Institute of materials (IOM)
Research projects
Research projects under the direct responsibility of the Institute
- Trasporto diffusivo e assorbimento in materiali nanoporosi (DFM.AD003.286)
- IOM - Quantum Materials (DFM.AD003.337)
- IOM - Sensors and Devices (DFM.AD003.338)
- IOM - Energy and Catalysis (DFM.AD003.339)
- IOM - BioMed (DFM.AD003.340)
- Fondazione CariPG - Verdini (DFM.AD003.410)
- ANGSTROM - interno Cepek (DFM.AD003.451)
- MARE Interno - Fabris (DFM.AD003.456)
- MISPECCHIO interno - Africh (DFM.AD003.457)
- AIRC_IG - Magistrato (DFM.AD004.287)
- AIRC_fellowship - Aupic (DFM.AD004.288)
- medicina traslazionale - Torre (DFM.AD004.314)
- Borsa AIRC Parise (DFM.AD004.320)
- Ancoraggio di molecole tramite l'interazione COOH - NH2 su superfici funzionalizzate (DFM.AD006.002)
- Dinamica della diseccitazione radiativa e dei fenomeni di non equilibrio nei solidi. (DFM.AD006.123)
- Scattering di neutroni presso IOM Perugia (DFM.AD006.124)
- Open Lab 2 A System of Open Research Facilities (DFM.AD006.143)
- IOM - Development of advanced experimental instrumentation and theoretical methods (DFM.AD006.177)
- MAGNELIQ - FET (DFM.AD006.200)
- MAMMASMIAS-MartinSamos (DFM.AD006.201)
- ONR 2020 - Resta (DFM.AD006.202)
- Convenzione Thundernil 2020 (DFM.AD006.224)
- NEP - NFFA Pilot 2021 (DFM.AD006.225)
- FNF Iinterno 2021 - DalZilio (DFM.AD006.228)
- Interno EUROFEL 2021 (DFM.AD006.241)
- CERIC-ERIC per operatività LISA (DFM.AD006.243)
- HMMBE interno - Biasiol (DFM.AD006.264)
- OSMORE Interno - Floreano (DFM.AD006.266)
- Attract H-Cube (DFM.AD006.268)
- SYNAPS interno - Orgiani (DFM.AD006.269)
Other research projects in which the Institute collaborates
- DeLIGHTeD - RBFR12RS1W_002 (DFM.AD005.018)
- INDEED (DFM.AD003.209)
- EOSC-Pillar - Coordination and Harmonisation of National Inititiatives, Infrastructures and Data services in Central and Western Europe (DIT.AD005.044)
- AHEAD2020 (DFM.AD006.168)
- SINFONIA-Selectively activated INFOrmation technology by hybrid Organic Interfaces (DCM.AD006.326)
- QFLAG Quantum Technology Flagship Coordination and Support Action (DFM.AD002.081)
- AndQC - Andreev qubits for scalable quantum computation (DFM.AD002.079)
- QuantERA II ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies (DFM.AD002.122)
- Progetto Bandiera NANOMAX (DFM.AD005.058)
- Progetto a valenza internazionale NFFA - Roadmap ESFRI (DFM.AD006.020)
- Progetto a valenza internazionale ESS European Spallation Source - Roadmap ESFRI (DFM.AD006.022)
- ESRF: CRG LISA (DFM.AD006.072)
- ILL: CRG IN13 (DFM.AD006.074)
- ILL: CRG BRISP (DFM.AD006.075)
- Progetto a valenza internazionale NFFA (quota FOE 2018) (DFM.AD006.137)
- Progetto a valenza internazionale NFFA (quota FOE 2019) (DFM.AD006.181)
- NFFA (FOE 2020) (DFM.AD006.212)