The National Research Council of Italy pays a particular attention to the cooperation with the industrial system. Actions include joint research programmes, research contracts, consulting, licensing and patent releases, foundation of research consortia and spin off companies, and many other initiatives aimed at enhancing the technology transfer processes to companies and business sectors.
A specific Structure devoted to Technology Transfer and Valorisation of research coordinates and connects the Cnr activities as regards the following topics: marketing research; intellectual property rights protection management and enhancement through the setting up of new technological enterprises; design and implementation of the technology transfer processes.
A method for measuring fusion power in nuclear reactors
An international research group led by the Institute for Plasma Science and Technology of the National Research Council (Cnr) in Milan has demonstrated that gamma rays produced in the deuterium-tritium nuclear reaction can provide an accurate and alternative method for measuring the power achieved in new fusion reactors. The study is the subject of two scientific articles published in Physical Review C and Physical Review Letters
DigiMedfor project annual meeting in Barcelona concluded: a success of collaboration and innovation
Barcelona recently hosted the annual meeting of the DigiMedfor project, a two-day event that brought the various partners involved in the project: among them the National research council of Italy (Cnr).
Invasive species: control and adaptation strategies for the fishery sector
The Institute Irbim of the Cnr, coordinated the Technical Report “Fisheries responses to invasive species in a changing climate – Lessons learned from case studies” just released by FAO: a tool available to decision makers, environmental managers and administrators of the fishing sector to respond effectively to the growing impact of aquatic invasive species (AIS)
The Cnr-Imm participates to the second "Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI)" on microelectronics
The Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems of the Cnr of Italy has received a grant by the Italian Ministry of the Enterprises and of the Made in Italy (MIMIT) for participating to the second Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) on microelectronics and connectivity “IPCEI ME/CT”.
RemTech Europe 2024 - International Conference and Exhibition on land and water remediation markets and technologies
To submit your abstract and participate to the official sessions of RemTech Expo, the Abstract deadline is 30 June 2024
Spin-off promotion and support
The creation of spin-off companies is an instrument for Cnr to pursue its institutional objects even in conjunction with other public and private parties. It contributes to societal and economic development of knowledge and enhances relationships and interactions between research and industry
Protection and valorisation of IPRs
CNR supports its researchers in protecting and valorizing the results of their research, promoting their exploitation in collaboration with industrial partners and/or other institutions. TTO of Cnr acts in coordination with the Departments and Institutes in order to regulate the procedures related to the different phases of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Technology transfer office
The Technology Transfer Office of Cnr (TTO) is responsible for all the activities related to TT, such as protection of research results and promotion and support for Spin-off creation. TTO is part of TTO CIRCLE sponsored by the JRC of the European Commission
Promotion and Marketing activities
Our Promotion and marketing activities are focused on generating opportunities for sharing research infrastructures by leveraging Cnr’s IPR portfolio, our scientists’ know-how and skills, as wells as our network of stakeholders