Gaia Blu Research Vessel
Gaia Blu serves as the primary research vessel for the National Research Council. of Italy The 2023 instrumentation and technology upgrade enables the vessel to conduct comprehensive studies in geology, oceanography, biology, and atmospheric sciences across the Mediterranean Sea and in the ocean regions, including polar areas.
Competitive Access
Gaia Blu is accessible to the scientific community through an international evaluation system for research proposals.
Data Policy
Gaia Blu is commitment to open science and ensures that all acquired data is FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), setting a benchmark for scientific research infrastructure. An advanced research vessel, Gaia Blu symbolizes Italy and Europe’s commitment to marine science, which, with innovation, opens up to the world of research and citizens.
#ScienzaAperta #RicercaOceanografica #InnovazioneScientifica #GaiaBlu #Collaborazione
Last update: 10/01/2025