Biomedical sciences

The Department of Biomedical Sciences manages the research activity in Biology, Medicine and Public Health. It provides technologies and services to both the public and the private area, with the purpose of promoting knowledge on the fundamental mechanism governing physiological and pathological aspects in living organism, starting from basic research in life sciences to the study of human diseases and of innovative therapeutic interventions. The ultimate aim is to explore new opportunities for ameliorating the health of mankind.

The fundamental activities regard oncology, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, immunology and infectious diseases, epidemiology and health care research, Biology and biomedical technologies. In these areas, some technologies have been developed and they have found a wider use in the different benchmark areas: proteomics, pharmacogenomics, advanced calculus in bioinformatics and system biology, robotic systems for the limbs’ rehabilitation, molecular diagnostics and imaging. 

Download the Department brochure - Department video (Italian version).

Call for Applicants: SENESCENCE2030, European Cooperation in Science and Technology - Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

News 20/11/2024

The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST.EU) funds research networks called COST Actions. These interdisciplinary networks bring researchers and innovators together to investigate a chosen topic for four years. The COST Action SENESCENCE2030 (CA23119), coordinated by the Institute Experimental Endocrinology and Oncology "Gaetano Salvatore" of the National Council of Research of Italy (Cnr-Ieos), aims to establish within Europe the concept of targeting cell senescence to prevent age-related disorders. With this first call, SENESCENCE2030 is offering grants of up to € 3,000 each for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) to be completed by mid-April 2025. Application Deadline: December 20th, 2024. Mission Period: February 1 – April 15, 2025

Glioblastoma: a mechanism that helps tumor cells multiply discovered

News 10/10/2024

A new study has highlighted the role of chloride flows through channels on the surface of tumor cell lines: by stopping these ion currents, their replication can be halted. The research, led by research teams from SISSA in collaboration with Cnr-Iom, the University of Trieste, University Hospital of Udine, the University of Udine and GlioGuard S.r.l. has been published in Molecular Cancer Research and featured in the Editor’s Highlights

Dialogue with the "other brain" through astrocytes and graphene

Press release 10/07/2024

A research group coordinated by Cnr-Isof, with the participation of Cnr-Ismn, Unibo and Czech Academy of Science, foundf that graphene has properties capable of controlling and modulating the activities of astrocytes, a type of brain cell. The study, published in Nature Nanotechnology, may have positive implications for the treatment of important and complex brain pathologies such as epilepsy and stroke

Metal-Halide Perovskite submicrometer-thick films for ultra-stable self-powered direct X-ray detectors

News 14/01/2022

A recent study of the team of the Institute of structure of matter (Cnr-Ism), in collaboration with the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the Niccolò Cusano University and published on Nano-Micro Letters, show that self-powered X-ray detectors, based on FAPbBr3 255-nm-thick films deposited onto mesoporous TiO2 scaffolds, can withstand a 26-day X-ray exposure with no signal loss, demonstrating ultra-high operational stability

A miniaturized, implantable multi-sensors device to monitor vessels health

News 22/12/2021

The EU-funded project IV-Lab has received more than 4 million euros from the European Innovation Council (EIC). The device will empower physicians to deliver timely and personalized treatment. The National Research Council of Italy is involved in the research consortium, led by the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)

kick-off meeting FarmEVs: Extracellular Vesicles Farming

News 22/03/2024

Funded by the Horizon Europe, EU's key funding programme for research and innovation under Grant Agreement Nº 101131175, the FarmEVs project was officially kicked-off on 21st -22nd March 2024 in a meeting with a high scientific and institutional participation, taking on the challenge of establishing plant extracellular farming systems within the One Health approach. FarmEVs consortium is coordinated by CNR and composed of 8 partners from 6 countries