Under the Italian law 150/2000, the Cnr Press Office was established with the aim of enhancing information provided by scientific Departments, research Institutes and offices by issuing press releases and notes, and handling the overall media communication. Among its tasks, the Office assures an helpdesk for any media request, organizes press conferences and events, and it is actively involved in the realization of video and interviews within the Cnr Webtv platform. Furthermore, it supports the realization of editorial products and activates partnerships with Tv programmes, magazines and websites.
The Office releases the web magazine 'Almanacco della Scienza’, and makes available a daily press review operated in collaboration with a specialized service, monitoring thousands of newspapers, magazines, journals, as well as television and radio programs: a collection of the most relevant press venues is also provided by email.
Ecological research and technological advancement in the Arctic: the PRA "EcoClimate" project
As part of the PRA “EcoClimate” project, coordinated by the trophic ecology Group of the Department of Environmental Biology at Sapienza University of Rome, in collaboration with the National Research Council of Italy - Institute for water research (Cnr-Irsa) based in Rome and Istitute for polar research (Cnr-Isp) based in Messina and Rome - a hydrographic unmanned surface vessel specifically configured for work at extreme latitudes has been used for the first time
Turning a health risk into an opportunity. A revolutionary approach to infections
Bioaction is an EU-funded project that aims to revolutionize the approach to implant-associated infections. By harnessing hydrogels and smart nanomaterials, Bioaction will transform bacterial biofilms into bio-factories for tissue regeneration, offering a novel alternative to traditional antibiotic therapies. The project is driven by a multidisciplinary team of experts and strives to improve patient outcomes while addressing the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance
Pandemics: Coronavirus and beyond
A pandemic is a natural catastrophic event, a gigantic, prolonged "earthquake": unpredictable, but with the certainty that sooner or later it will happen, yielding devastating health and socio-economic effects. What we are learning from the Covid-19 "earthquake"? The website promoted by the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Dsb) is facing some big questions about the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Cnr-Igm and Ifom scientist Dana Branzei wins a Fis grand by Italian Ministry of University and research
Research Director of the "Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza" Institute of Molecular Genetics (Cnr-Igm) in Pavia and of IFOM “DNA Repair” Research Program , Dr. Dana Branzei, has been awarded a prestigious Advanced Grant from the Italian Science Fund of the Ministry of University and Research (FIS 2021). Her project, titled "Replication-associated Cohesion and Recombination," is a beacon of scientific innovation in the ERC Life Sciences sector
‘Labour Migration in the Time of COVID-19: Inequalities and Perspectives for Change’
Since 2015, the Institute for research in innovation and services for the development of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Iriss) promotes projects on ‘Migration and Development’ with the view of offering innovative tools for sustainable migration. This timely volume, in particular, offers a wide and in-depth analysis of the consequences that migrant workers are facing in these days: as a vulnerable group, they have to cope with an unpredictable and exceptional situation – Covid-19 pandemics – adding elements of weakness to their already fragile state
European Jellyfish. New perspectives on marine food resources
This new book edited by Cnr edizioni is the outcome of scientific results, analyses and studies on some Mediterranean jellyfish species carried out at the Institute of Sciences of Food Production of the Italian National Research Council, combined with the spontaneous, creative and passionate interest of some Italian and international professional chefs to experiment jellyfish as a possible new food resource
Journal and newsletters
Cnr produces several journals and newsletters to which you can subscribe, usually for free, directly from the websites of the institutes that produce them.
This page, created with the aim of making such contributions quickly reachable and accessible to citizens and researchers, contains some of the journals and newsletters sent and transmitted from the network Cnr (departments, institutes, etc) that provide news and updates on topics of their interest
Cnr History
The National Research Council of Italy was founded as legal person on 18 November 1923 (Royal Decree 2440/1923). Originally, it became member of the International Research Council, with offices in Brussels. The mission of Cnr has been defined in the first Statute dated 1924: to coordinate and stimulate research activity at a National level in the different areas of science, to keep in contact with various stakeholders on scientific matters and to establish National scientific laboratories
Cnr Press Office
Want to stay updated with press releases, notes and initiatives organized by the Cnr press office? Write us and join the mailing list
From society to research
Foresight is a interdepartmental project of the National Research Council of Italy, aimed at elaborating coherent research strategies and addressing socially relevant problems related to environment, health, food, enery, security and transportation
Almanacco della scienza Cnr
The latest issue of the monthly magazine edited by the Cnr Press Office
Cnr Web TV
The video portal of the Cnr community, hosting videos, interviews and reporting about conferences, research projects and other initiatives carried out by Cnr researchers