
L'impatto sociale del volontariato

Il CNR-Irpps sta completando un'indagine mirata a definire il contributo dell'offerta di interventi sociali e socio-sanitari delle maggiori organizzazioni operanti nel campo del trasporto infermi in Italia. Con Croce Rossa Italiane e ANPAS è stato analizzato l'impatto sociale del volontariato organizzato attraverso l'utilizzo di metodologie e tecniche quantitative e qualitative. I primi risultati mostrano come sia possibile misurare l'impatto sociale del volontariato su un territorio attraverso ...

ILIESI Newsletter n. 2

LA NEWSLETTER DELL'ILIESI - n. 2 dicembre 2017 Iniziative, attività e progetti Una convenzione innovativa tra ILIESI e Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Università Sapienza; Importante accordo con l'editore De Gruyter per la pubblicazione della rivista "Elenchos"; "Logos". A cinquecento anni dalla Riforma protestante; Progetto PON "Beni e Patrimonio Culturale: governare la progettazione"; Migration Studies. Progetto FAMI 2014-2020; Torno Subito 2017; Amalfi. Studiosi a convegno per una nuova ...

Migrations and integrations in Italy

Most of the Institute's researchers and associates, also benefiting from the collaboration of colleagues from other organizations that have been working with us for a long time, contributed to the book. It gathers a total of 27 essays on various aspects of the changing aspects of internal and international mobility, one of the social phenomena of utmost importance and on which the Institute has developed ample expertise that enables it to study this phenomenon from various points of view and ...

Landslides in the Solar System

On Earth, landslides are hazardous phenomena often associated with economic damage and loss of human lives. The most common natural triggers of terrestrial landslides are intense or prolonged rainfall, earthquakes, rapid snow melting, and volcanic activity. But what are the main natural triggers of landslides on other solid bodies of the Solar System? Since the early 70's of the last century, landslides were observed on the surface of the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus, to mention only the ...

Highlights 2017

Highlights 2017 (see for details Superconductivity Physical Review - R. Cristiano Physical Review - Z. J. Ying, M. Cuoco Physical Review Letters - A. Martinelli, P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, F. Caglieris, G. Lamura, M. Putti Scientific Reports - C. Nappi, C. Camerlingo, E. Bellingeri, V. Braccini, C. Ferdeghini, E. Sarnelli Supercond. Sci. Technol. - I. Pallecchi, A. Leveratto, V. Braccini, V. Zunino, A. Malagoli Physical Review Materials - G. ...

Anticorpo monoclonale contro la leucemia mieloide acuta

Su iniziativa del gruppo Menarini e di Oxford BioTherapeutics è stato sviluppato un anticorpo monoclonale, umanizzato, MEN1112 che è in grado di riconoscere ed eliminare cellule di leucemia mieloide acuta. Dopo una fase preclinica di studio e caratterizzazione, che ha dimostrato efficacia e tollerabilità, MEN1112 è stato ed è utilizzato in uno uno studio di tipo traslazionale nel quale l'anticorpo ha dimostrato promettente attività in campioni di sangue periferico e midollare di pazienti ...

Muscle Cell News

The e-scientific newsletter Connexon Creative highlights as THIS WEEK'S TOP STORY the paper "Estrogens enhance myoblast differentiation in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy by antagonizing DUX4 activity", result of a research carried out in our Institute ( Connexon Creative sifts through all of the most recent scientific literature and news, and selects the most relevant and highest impact publications on regenerative medicine. This week, it ...

Scientific report 2016-17

Report of the Scientific activities for thee period 2016-17

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities: the UN Convention and implementing Practice at international, European and national levels

In the framework of the ISGI Project "Multilevel protection of human rights between international law, European law and domestic legal order", the volume The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. A Commentary edited by V. Della Fina, R. Cera, G. Palmisano, Springer, pp. XXXII- 765, ISBN 978-3-319-43788-0, also in the e-book version ISBN 978-3-319-43790-3, has been published (see ). The book is the main scientific ...

Formal Methods for the Railway Sector

Researchers from the Formal Methods and Tools group of ISTI-CNR are working on a review and assessment of the main formal modelling and verification languages and tools used in the railway domain, with the aim of evaluating the actual applicability of the most promising ones to a moving block signalling system model. The research is being conducted in the context of the EU H2020 Shift2Rail project ASTRail: SAtellite-based Signalling and Automation SysTems on Railways along with Formal Method ...

Advanced multi-layer system based on surfaces and innovative nanostructured materials for a sustainable and energy-efficient construction

In the last years, there has been a growing interest in the integrated use of innovative materials and ICT technologies to design a new concept of building, meeting the requirements of environmental compatibility and sustainability in terms of materials and energy. In the framework of the Tuscany Regional Project SELFIE, new technological components for buildings have been designed and implemented aiming at introducing new prototypical facade elements that can have a great impact on energy ...

The Secular Decay of the Semi-Major Axis of the Lares SatelliteLLITE

The LAser Ranged Satellites Experiment (LARASE) has the goal to carry out a sequence of measurements of relativistic effects using specific Earth-orbiting satellites for verifying the predictions of General Relativity and of alternatives theories proposed for the description of the gravitational interaction. These measurements are achieved in the so-called weak-field and slow-motion (WFSM) limit of the theory, by means of passive "cannonball" satellites tracked very precisely with the Satellite ...

The importance of worker reputation in crowd-work systems

Crowd work is a term often adopted to identify networked systems that can be used for the solution of a wide range of complex problems by integrating a large number of human and/or computer efforts. Among several different types of crowd work systems that are already operational in the Internet, a large research effort has been devoted to characterize the performance of microtask-based crowd work systems. The key characteristic of these systems is that a requester structures his problem in a set ...


Fornire al settore forestale europeo migliori conoscenze, metodi e strumenti per ottimizzare la gestione e l'uso sostenibile delle risorse genetiche forestali, è un obiettivo sempre più rilevante soprattutto in un contesto di cambiamenti climatici a cui il nostro pianeta sta andando incontro. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, una delle nostre ricerche ( si sta concentrando principalmente sullo studio delle basi molecolari dell'adattamento di 12 specie arboree forestali, ...

Opinion dynamics in a social network

Dating back to the 60's, and particularly since the advent and successful proliferation of social media, a significant effort has been devoted by the research community to the development of mathematical models describing the evolution of opinions/beliefs in an ecosystem composed of socially interacting individuals. The goal is to gain insights into collective dominant social behaviors and into the impact of different components of the system while being able to predict possible outcomes of ...

A calendar to raiise funds for AIRC

I volti delle donne" is a photo project ideated by Manuela Lanzafame, postdoc at the Institue of Molecular Genetics IGM-CNR of Pavia. Portraits of fourteen girls were used to describe different expression characterizing women and were used to realize a calendar. Earnings will be entirely devolved to the Italian foundation for cancer research (AIRC).

Two genomic regions and lifestyle factors associated with human longevity.

Genomic analysis of longevity offers the potential to illuminate the biology of human aging. In a study, recently published in Nature Communications, a genome-wide association meta-analysis of 606,059 parents' survival, helped discover two regions associated with longevity (HLA-DQA1/DRB1 and LPA). Previous suggestions that APOE, CHRNA3/5, CDKN2A/B, SH2B3 and FOXO3A influence longevity have also been validated. Next, the study shows that giving up smoking, educational attainment, openness to new ...

Non-coding RNA: the DNA damage fingerprints of cancer cells

The integrity of our genome has to be maintained ed to prevent accumulation of harmful mutations, or cell death. This is even more needed in tumor cells where breaks in DNA occur at higher frequency. This feature of cancer cells can be exploited to set up therapeutic strategies based on inhibition of DNA repair with the aim to induce cell death. The drugs used so far to strike this "Achilles heel" of cancer cells block the enzymatic activity of essential DNA repair proteins, such as ATM, ATR or ...

Biochemical adaptations and biotechnological applications of marine cold-adapted organisms

Antartide è un ancora un'area inesplorata per molti aspetti, incluso la diversità biologica e, anche più, diversità chimica. Grazie alla sua storia evolutiva ed isolamento ecologico, ambienti marini ed Antartici si sono aspettati di ospitare comunità biologiche ed uniche che potevano bioactive di romanzo di biosynthesize combina, potenzialmente prezioso per molte domande come pharmaceuticals, supplementi nutritivi e cosmeceuticals. I nostri scopi sono: 1) assaggiare nuovo / noto, ...

Un gustoso 'fiore nero'

Versatile in cucina e benefico per le sue proprietà antiossidanti e depurative, il carciofo è presente sulle nostre tavole, grazie alle tante varietà presenti in tutta Italia, coltivabili da ottobre a giugno. Al nostro Paese, tra l'altro, spetta il primato della produzione mondiale, pari a 500 mila tonnellate, di cui il 35% in Puglia, il 32% in Sicilia, il 21% in Sardegna, il 7% in Campania e il 4% nel Lazio, su una superficie totale di circa 47.000 ettari. Ben 4 varietà con marchio ...

CLINEXTRACT: A structured lexicon for the automated extraction of clinical concepts from the multisource medical records of aged people with hearing disabilities

Hearing impairment is very common in older adults: 360 million people over 65 have disabling hearing loss worldwide. It is well recognized that a successful plan for hearing rehabilitation of older people shall take into account not only the technological aspects, such as what type of hearing aid or implanted hearing device is used, but also other aspects broadly related to auditory disability. In this view, key factors include the perceived hearing difficulties in real life, the impact on ...

Spatiotemporal classification of mobile network demands

The surge in mobile data traffic -estimated globally at 3.7 exabytes in 2015, with a 74% increase over 2014 and an overall 4,000-fold growth over the past ten years- has fostered the interest of the computer network community towards better understanding the dynamics of the mobile demand. Indeed, a proper characterization of how mobile services are consumed by subscribers can enable an informed, more efficient tailoring of network resource planning and management to the end users' needs. ...


The European consortium Elixir is devoted to coordinate, integrate and sustain bioinformatics resource in LIfe Science research accross Eurpean countries. In this article, the IBPM coordinator and coordinators of other European nodes operating in the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE project (, describe the Train-the-Trainer (TtT) programme, designed to empower scientists to deliver high-quality training in bioinformatics. The TtT ...

Nanomateriali avanzati con trasmissione caratteristica straordinaria

Nell'ambito di uno studio realizzato in collaborazione tra due diversi istituti del CNR, ricercatori hanno sviluppato nuovi nanomateriali in oro con straordinarie capacità di trasmissione. La ricerca è stata pubblicata in ACS Nano (Impact Factor 13.942), una delle riviste più importanti e prestigiose al mondo nel settore delle nanotecnologie. La ricerca è stata condotta dal team CNR-Nanotec coordinato da Antonio De Luca in collaborazione con il team dell'ISASI-CNR coordinato da Lucia Petti ...


INT6/eIF3e is a highly conserved protein involved in several processes and downregulated in many human cancers. In this work, we show that loss of Int6 alters spindle microtubule behavior in mitosis, and hence affects the accuracy of chromosome segregation, by regulating the stability of specific mitotic proteins. Article: The Drosophila orthologue of the INT6 oncoprotein regulates mitotic microtubule growth and kinetochore structure Renda F, Pellacani C, Strunov A, Bucciarelli E, Naim V, ...

Neuroscienze: trovato il legame tra personalità e forma del cervello

Come le differenze individuali nella struttura e funzione cerebrale siano legate al modo in cui ci comportiamo e proviamo emozioni e' una di quelle domande "esistenziali" alla quale gli scienziati cercano di dare una risposta da anni. Benchè risultati conclusivi non siano ancora disponibili, i dati raccolti fino ad ora hanno mostrato un forte legame tra la "forma" di alcune aree cerebrali e le varie caratteristiche di personalità. E' la conclusione di un recente studio effettuato da un team ...


The correct synchronization of development of the different tissues of the male organ (stamen) in flowers is essential for male fertility in self-pollinating plants. In this work we demonstrate that the correct distribution of auxin, a plant morphogen, is essential to ensure this synchronization in the model plant Arabidopsis, and that the middle layer - a stamen tissue of previously unknown function - is crucial in generating a developmentally instructive auxin distribution. These findings ...

SWIM (SWitchMiner)

Over the last two decades, biological sciences have undergone radical transformation through the development of new research technologies that have produced a real explosion in the amount of data available. Just think of the modern genomic sequencing techniques that have made the sequencing of the human genome, different animal and plant organisms, and many microorganisms simpler, less expensive and more reliable with enormous benefits for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In the wake of the ...


Resistance to cancer chemotherapeutics, e.g. taxanes and anthracyclines, is largely due to the overexpression of efflux pumps, in particular ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein or MDR1). Resistance leads to poor clinical outcome. Overexpression of a group of genes that surround the ABCB1 genomic locus (the ABCB1 amplicon), including Sorcin (SRI), may contribute to the establishment of the multidrug-resistant phenotype. Here we show that: i) Sorcin is overexpressed in several tumors and cancer cell lines, in ...


Cancer cells show profoundly altered mitotic divisions, and mitotic proteins are viewed as potential targets of novel antineoplastic drugs. Here, we have developed an in silico virtual screening to identify one small molecule targeting the interaction surface between microtubules and the kinetochore protein Hec1, thereby blocking microtubule dynamics. This small molecule effectively inhibits neoplastic growth, both in cultured cancer cells and in murine xenograft models, by promoting mitotic ...