Institute of nanoscience (NANO)
Research projects
Research projects under the direct responsibility of the Institute
- AndQC - Andreev qubits for scalable quantum computation (DFM.AD002.079)
- IQubits -Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies (DFM.AD003.287)
- LESGO Light to Store chemical Energy in reduced Graphene Oxide for electricity generation (DFM.AD003.389)
- SUPERGATE Gate Tuneable Superconducting Quantum Electronics (DFM.AD003.408)
- CARSO-CIP PS_144 (DFM.AD004.118)
- DECODE-EE Developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DFM.AD004.263)
- TOSCANO "The Omics SCiences AgaiNst Osteosarcoma" (DFM.AD004.264)
- ADAPTA Sinonasal cancer: in-depth genetic analysis of patients for personalized treatment and disease monitoring (DFM.AD004.268)
- FISR VIOLoC "Analisi VIno e OLio sviluppo di un Laboratorio on-Chip a connettività remota" (DFM.AD004.291)
- PRIN settore LS1 codice 2020LW7XWH "Early Phase Preclinical Development of PACECOR, a Mutation-Independent Anti-SARS-Co2 Therapeutic Strategy" (DFM.AD004.324)
- EXTREME-IR - Extreme Optical Nonlinearities in 2D materials for Far-Infrared Photonics (DFM.AD005.347)
- PRIN 2020JLZ52N "q-LIMA Light-Matter interactions and the collective behavior of quantum 2D materials" (DFM.AD005.401)
- BIG MAP Battery Interface Genome - Materials Acceleration Platform (DFM.AD006.203)
- OPEN MODEL "Integrated Open Access Materials Modelling Innovation Platform for Europe" (DFM.AD006.216)
- PSI-K 2021 (DFM.AD006.227)
- MINEON MINiaturized Electron Optics for Nano-controlled beams (DFM.AD006.238)
Other research projects in which the Institute collaborates
- Neurodegenerative disorders throughout the lifespan. Autophagy-dependent biomarkers for trial readiness from infantile neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses to senile dementias - DEM-AGING (DSB.AD006.261)
- Bando Assegni 2021 - Cofinanziamento privato - Isolamento e caratterizzazione molecolare di Esosomi Neurali in modelli Disturbi del neurosviluppo - END (DSB.AD008.748)
- PRIN2017 PE3 0017RKWTMY_001 VOZZI CATERINA (DFM.AD005.268)
- Registrazione nomi a dominio nel ccTLD .it (DIT.AD005.001)
- Graphene Flagship Core Project 2 (DCM.AD006.008)
- Graphene Flagship Core Project 3 - EU Project FET FLAG RIA (DCM.AD006.163)
- PRIN 2017-20173L7W8K_004 - CANDINI ANDREA -Next generation of molecular and supramolecular machines: towards functional nanostructured devices, interfaces, surfaces and materials (DCM.AD006.166)
- SUPERGALAX - Highly sensitive detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits for searching galactic axions (DFM.AD003.330)
- Attract H-Cube (DFM.AD006.268)
- PRIN 2017 Early dysfunctions of intercellular signalling in brain disorders (DSB.AD004.267)
- QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies (DFM.AD002.064)
- QuantERA II ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies (DFM.AD002.122)
- Progetto Bandiera NANOMAX (DFM.AD005.058)
- Premiale TERABIO (DSB.AD008.370)