The Wonders of Science
Interactive scientific exhibition that aims to bring visitors of all ages closer to the world of science and technology, through a playful approach. Several phenomena, that we usually take for granted in everyday life, are shown as under a magnifying glass which highlights their most curious and unexpected features.
Some common materials show surprising properties; different technologies which affect our everyday life reveal their operating principles, so that we can get closer to understanding them. Our sensory perceptions falter in front of easy scientific demonstrations and simple experiments help us to visualize important concepts, such as pressure and force, with evidence that no textbook can match.
The exhibition is divided into four thematic areas: Images, Forces and movements, Energy, Matter and Sound.
- 20 October - 1 November 2022: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, Munizioniere as part of the 20th edition of the Science Festival
- 16 March - 16 April 2019: Padua as part of the 'Sperimentando' event at the 'ex Macello' Cathedral
- 8-11 November 2018: Naples, City of Science, as part of the XXXII edizione di Futuro Remoto
- 14 April - 13 May 2018: Padua as part of the 'Sperimentando' event at the 'ex Macello' Cathedral
- 20 February - 1 March 2009: Lavagna (Genoa), Villa Grimaldi Gentile as part of Fantast!Che - the Science Festival in the Lands of Portofino
- 23 October - 4 November 2008: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale - Munizioniere, as part of the Science Festival
- 25 October - 6 November 2007: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale - Munizioniere, as part of the Science Festival
- 26 October - 7 November 2006: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale - Loggia degli Abati, as part of the Science Festival
- 28 October - 8 November 2004: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, and various locations, as part of the Science Festival
- 23 October - 23 November 2003: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, and various locations, partly as part of the Science Festival
Last update: 14/10/2022