Joint research project

Assistance and solidarity framework in historical perspective. Italy and Moldova: a comparative study

Project leaders
Giovanni Lombardi1, Silvia Corlteanu-granciuc
MOLDOVA - ASM-not in force - Academy of Sciences of Moldova
CNR/ASM biennio 2018-2019 2018-2019
Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage
Thematic area
Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage
Status of the project

Research proposal

'Welfare state' is one term for several meanings, involving different overviews of State-building, citizenship, livelihood and social well-being. Thus, not surprising that the economic crisis and the unresolved gap between society and institutions have awakened the researchers' attention on this topic. Nowadays, scientific academies as well as non-profit organizations, foundations and institutions leader such as European Commission (e.g. Strategic Framework 2020) emphasize the importance of the social inclusion in various forms (health care, social security system, collective solidarity, assisted living, coexistence, integration, social cohesion) connecting them to the social innovation, development and empowerment of citizens. In a sense, we can also say that - despite the different national contexts - 'welfare' is a key to understand Europe itself.
But this is heritage and memory too. More specifically, the inherent structures of social action come from a wide range of social processes and historical phenomena. From Middle Ages, crossing the Early Modern one, over the centuries, structures, networks and practices of hospitality, care, assistance, solidarity credit were created, closed, restored, institutionalized, material built, changed by religious or ethical instances or under the pressure of 'common' identity. Poor, beggars, widows, impoverished workers, children, pilgrims, travellers and migrants were real/ideal subjects of collective approaches so as mirrors of the society.
The project will examine this field, between past and present, investigating the history, analyzing contexts, processes, social fabrics that generated those practices and institutions. That comparing models, but also different geographical areas, such as Mediterranean Italy - southern, in particular - and Moldova. On the one hand, this means recognizing and dealing with very diverse sources, research methods, historiography and, broadly speaking, approaches. On the other, Moldova came close to EU expressing social and political aspirations, but also - after Soviet collapse - considering its Latin cultural roots; and in this way, the common historical legacies and the differences take on specific value and could support policy guidelines oriented to "social innovation".
Therefore, the project will deal with:
1)collection of documents, references and assets about institutions, networks and practices of care, solidarity and hospitality, thinking it over in long-term perspective; to describe/map tangible and intangible elements of historical, cultural, social overview, underline common traits and differences in rural and urban places and in the geographical contests.
2)stimulating researches on institutions, care practices, solidarity chain, resilience with attention to historical contests, collective memory, approaches (economic, anthropological, cultural and sociological, gender studies and welfare community, hidden history etc.) and to the scientific debate.
3)dissemination of scientific results, especially through monographs and articles in professional journals (Open Access).

Research goals

The aim of the project will be the collection of documents, references and assets about institutions, networks and practices of care, solidarity and hospitality, thinking it over in long-term perspective; to describe/map tangible and intangible elements of historical, cultural, social overview, underline common traits and differences in rural and urban places and in the geographical contests; stimulating researches on institutions, care practices, solidarity chain, resilience with attention to historical contests, collective memory, approaches (economic, anthropological, cultural and sociological, gender studies and welfare community, hidden history etc.) and to the scientific debate; dissemination of scientific results, especially through monographs and articles in professional journals (Open Access).

Last update: 20/04/2024