Joint research projects

Cooperation among research Organizations is mainly focused on Joint Research Projects, which last either 2 or 3 years, and represent the result of cooperation between Italian and foreign research groups, each led by a national coordinator, as detailed in each Agreement's Addendum.

Financial support covers solely the travelling and accommodation expenses of researchers, but, in a number of newly-signed Agreements, a small amount of the financing can be used for research-related costs and equipment / consumables.

All the information on the rules regarding the creation of a new Joint Project, which are jointly decided by Cnr and the foreign corresponding Organization at each Addendum's renewal, can be obtained from the International Relations Office of Cnr (Central Headquarters), which is also responsible for the publication of the open Calls on the official Cnr website. Proposals must be completed and forwarded only via the on-line procedure, as outlined.

Proponents and limitations
Only Cnr Researchers and Technologists (Levels I - III ), followed (in a priority order) by the Personnel that, by decree, has been authorized to benefit from an official 'Partnership' with  Cnr, according to the terms and conditions of 'Associatura' (as expressed in Art 17. of the Personnel Rules and Regulations published in the site section Regulations), can submit proposals for said Joint Research Projects.

Duration of the research stay within the project
The duration will vary depending on each Agreement. As a rule it spans from one week to a maximum of three months.

Deadline for submission of proposal
You are kindly requested to check, for each Agreement, the specific deadline for submission of Proposals.

Last update: 18/10/2024