Protection and valorisation of IPRs

CNR supports and encourages its researchers in protecting and valorizing the results of their research, promoting their exploitation in collaboration with industrial partners and/or other institutions.

In the framework of the new Statute and the current Regulation for the generation, management and exploitation of Industrial Property on the results of Cnr research, the Technology Transfer Office of Cnr - TTO - acts in coordination with the Departments and Institutes in order to support and regulate the procedures, processes and tools related to the different phases of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) generated by researchers through independent, co-funded and commissioned research.

Exploitation actions, such as assignment of patent rights and license agreements, are related to an IPR Portfolio which includes the entire range of intellectual property rights. They also include web catalogues, the application to calls for proposals and the participation in projects for IPR exploitation, development agreements, option agreements, MoUs, confidentiality agreements, etc.

The IP agreements are aimed at protecting and exploiting the research results and generally provide terms and conditions in order to define costs end revenues, between the involved parties, considering the inventive, instrumental an financial contribution.



Information provided by: Technology Transfer Office (Unità Valorizzazione della Ricerca)

Last update: 11/11/2024