Spin-off promotion and support
The creation of spin-off companies is an instrument for Cnr to pursue its institutional objects even in conjunction with other public and private parties. It contributes to societal and economic development of knowledge and enhances relationships and interactions between research and industry.
For many years now, Cnr has been strongly involved in the development of initiatives aimed at enhancing technology transfer to the productive sector. Spin‐off companies, based on innovative technologies or distinctive know‐how, are a source of technological renewal for the economic system in which they operate, as well as an effective means of exploiting research results produced within PROs laboratories.
Cnr staff is the promoter of the new companies along with other actors such as public research institutions, business and financial subjects. With the support and promotion of spin‐offs Cnr intends to foster the development of initiatives with a positive impact on competitiveness, innovation and employment.
The role of the Cnr in supporting the establishment and growth of companies is linked to a variety of elements: Cnr can be the proprietor of the equity, it grants licenses for patents to the new company and through the Institute to which the researcher belongs, it can play a tutoring role in the startup phase.
The Regulation for the creation of Cnr spin-off companies disciplines the procedures for participation in companies. The Regulation has set up a Spin-off Committee for the evaluation of spin-off companies proposals: the Committee was modified in April 4th, 2022, and renewed on October 27th, 2022.
Information provided by: Technology Transfer Office
Last update: 12/06/2024