Promotion and marketing activities

Our Promotion and marketing activities are focused on generating opportunities for collaboration and sharing research infrastructures by leveraging Cnr’s IPR portfolio, our scientists’ know-how and skills, as wells as our network of stakeholders (scientists, industry, other PROs, etc.).  Those partnerships may lead to new collaborative or commissioned research as well as promote inter-institutional - both public and private – agreements, which may result in new financing sources.

The way in which the TTO operates is based on facilitating the interaction with the Industry and/or Academia by using:

  • The TTO’s staff network;
  • Knowledge tools integrated with the Cnr information system;
  • Coordination of and participation to Projects and Working Groups;
  • Organization of events.


Our Network

is the second phase of a project aimed at developing and transferring technologies owned by CNR in the field of biotechnology to small and medium-sized  enterprises (SMEs).


Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized  enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. The Network is active in more than 60 Countries worldwide.


ELSE Consortium
Enterprise Lazio and Sardegna for Europe, coordinated by Cnr, is one of the six EEN Italian Consortia.


Patents Virtual Showroom
is a tool to foster valorization of Patents owned by Italian PROs and Universities. The tool is developed by the Cnr; Unioncamere and COTEC Foundation.


TTO Circle 
is a European network established with the aim to bring together the TTOs of major PROs, in order to share best practices, knowledge and expertise, engage in joint activities and develop a common approach towards international standards for the professionalization of technology transfer.


AIRI (Italian Association for Industrial Research)
CNR has signed an Agreement with AIRI (Italian Association for Industrial Research).


is the Italian association for the valorisation of results from Public Research. The Cnr is a member.


For further information:

Information provided by: Technology Transfer Office (Unità Valorizzazione della Ricerca)

Last update: 17/12/2024