Institute of information science and technologies "Alessandro Faedo" (ISTI)



The current cumulative annual global casualty expectancy for uncontrolled reentries of spacecraft and orbital stages is of the order of 0.01. Hence, the corresponding individual risk is still extremely low, if compared with the hazards commonly faced in the everyday life, with a probability of being personally injured of the order of 1 in 800 billion per year. However, this risk is increasing, due to the rapid growth of space launch activities and to the rise in world population. Moreover, ...

Metodi Formali per Sistemi Ferroviari

Due articoli su Formal Methods in Railways sono stati appena pubblicati in importanti riviste di Informatica dell'ACM e dell'IEEE da autori del laboratorio Formal Methods and Tools (FMT) dell'Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo" (ISTI) del CNR. I metodi formali sono tecniche fondate su basi matematiche per la specifica, lo sviluppo e la verifica (manuale o automatizzata) di sistemi software e hardware, e FMT è un gruppo di ricerca di fama internazionale in questo campo, ...

RisQFLan: security risk modelling and analysis

RisQFLan concerns an open-source toolset for quantitative graph-based security risk modelling and analysis based on attack-defense trees, which are compact formal models of possible system attacks. RisQFLan allows to build rich models with expressive quantitative constraints in a domain-specific language that combines distinctive features from various well-known formalisms for risk modelling and analysis from the literature. One of these features is the specification of specific dynamic threat ...

Non-invasive diagnostics and data integration for the study, conservation and divulgation in the ECCEHOMO project

Antonello da Messina's autograph version of Christ at the column, preserved at the Collegio Alberoni in Piacenza, has been the subject of a program of scientific analyzes non-invasive as part of the ECCEHOMO project - call 2017 of, the Italian node of the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science ( The project ...

A Formal Methods Demonstrator for Railways

The 4SECURail project - funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking - has two overall objectives: to design a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) for joint EU-Rail cybersecurity, and the setup of a Formal Methods Demonstrator for the evaluation, in terms of cost, benefits and required learning curve, of the impact of the use of Formal Methods for the rigorous specification of the components of a railway signalling infrastructure. While it is recognized ...

A digital Loggia for Raphael at the time of COVID-19

At, you can observe at a close distance both the beautiful stories of Cupid and Psyche to enjoy, with unprecedented detail, the fable of Apuleius, the vegetal and animals painted by Raphael and his assistants in Villa Farnesina, the Roman residence of the wealthy Sienese banker Agostino Chigi. At the same time, the interactive system allows you to consult the sought-after contents on the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche such as, for example, historical-archival ...

Inference of the three-dimensional structure of chromatin within the cell nucleus

The python-code ChromStruct provides an estimate of the 3D structure of the chromatin fibre in cell nuclei from the contact frequency data produced by a "Chromosome conformation capture" experiment (information on DNA contacts on populations of millions of cells). The algorithm adopts a multiscale approach to explore the structure of chromosomes at different resolution levels and has a Bayesian optimization function to explore the space of the possible configurations that the chromatin fiber can ...

Environmental sustainability of large satellite constellations in low Earth orbit

A specific criticality index, the collision rate percentage increase, was introduced to assess the environmental impact of large satellite constellations in low Earth orbit (LEO). That index was estimated for various constellation arrangements, ranging in altitude from 800 km to 1400 km. The results obtained clearly show that in the regions of space where the current density of cataloged debris is already significant, such as around 800 km, just one hundred more abandoned satellites would ...

Expert Survey on Formal Methods

The 2020 Expert Survey on Formal Methods has just been published. This lengthy report has been organised to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS), which was founded by researchers from the CNR Institute of Information Science and Technologies "A. Faedo" (ISTI). The survey addresses 30 questions on the past, present, and future of formal methods in research, industry, and education. A stunning 130 high-profile ...

International Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation Competition (IPIN)

On 3rd October, the IPIN competition - the world championship of indoor localisation among 40 international research teams that study and work to improve the accuracy of indoor localisation systems - ended at the Institute of Science and Technologies of the CNR in Pisa. The main purpose of the competition is to evaluate the accuracy of current indoor localisation systems. During the challenge, teams tested their system along a path about 30 minutes long inside the CNR Research Area of Pisa, ...

A statistical overview of uncontrolled re-entries

More than 24,400 catalogued orbiting objects have re-entered so far into the Earth's atmosphere since the beginning of the space age. The associated mass, close to 30,000 metric tons, was mainly concentrated in intact objects, i.e. payloads and spent upper stages, accounting for nearly 29% of the re-entered objects. During the 10 years from 2008 to 2017, 448 large (i.e. with a radar cross-section > 1 m2) intact objects, represented by 366 rocket bodies (∼82%) and 82 spacecraft ...

VoxLogicA: a tool for declarative spatial-logical image analysis

How can domain experts in (medical) image analysis formalise, execute, improve, and share their methods -- for instance, to identify brain tumours in 3D Magneto-Resonance scans -- with solid guarantees that their findings are portable, predictable and reproducible, and with minimal requirements on their skills and expertise in computing? VoxLogicA is an instrument designed to support image analysis with an emphasis on simplicity, focused on producing explainable and implementation-independent ...

Formal Methods for the Railway Sector

Researchers from the Formal Methods and Tools group of ISTI-CNR are working on a review and assessment of the main formal modelling and verification languages and tools used in the railway domain, with the aim of evaluating the actual applicability of the most promising ones to a moving block signalling system model. The research is being conducted in the context of the EU H2020 Shift2Rail project ASTRail: SAtellite-based Signalling and Automation SysTems on Railways along with Formal Method ...

Advanced multi-layer system based on surfaces and innovative nanostructured materials for a sustainable and energy-efficient construction

In the last years, there has been a growing interest in the integrated use of innovative materials and ICT technologies to design a new concept of building, meeting the requirements of environmental compatibility and sustainability in terms of materials and energy. In the framework of the Tuscany Regional Project SELFIE, new technological components for buildings have been designed and implemented aiming at introducing new prototypical facade elements that can have a great impact on energy ...

The Secular Decay of the Semi-Major Axis of the Lares SatelliteLLITE

The LAser Ranged Satellites Experiment (LARASE) has the goal to carry out a sequence of measurements of relativistic effects using specific Earth-orbiting satellites for verifying the predictions of General Relativity and of alternatives theories proposed for the description of the gravitational interaction. These measurements are achieved in the so-called weak-field and slow-motion (WFSM) limit of the theory, by means of passive "cannonball" satellites tracked very precisely with the Satellite ...

Privacy Risk Assessment - Privacy-aware Ecosystem for Data Sharing

We live in times of increasing opportunities of sensing and analysing data describing human activities at extreme detail and resolution. Unfortunately, this comes with unprecedented risks, since this data can be related to personal and sensitive information about individuals. Data are tipically stored in the databases of companies (e.g., telecom, insurance and retail companies), which use legal constraints on privacy as a reason for not sharing it with science and society at large. Clearly, this ...

A Platform for Rule-based Personalization of Web Applications in Internet of Things Contexts of Use

The design and development of flexible software able to match the many possible user needs and provide high quality user experience is a major open issue, further complicated by the recent explosion of mobile technology and the Internet of Things (IoT), which have highly increased the variability and heterogeneity of the possible contexts of use of smart applications. In this scenario, such applications need to address extremely contextualized user needs, thus their complete behaviour cannot be ...

Deviant Communities in Social Media

The structure of a social network is fundamentally related to the interests of its members. People assort spontaneously based on the topics that are relevant to them, forming social groups that revolve around different subjects. Online social media are also favorable ecosystems for the formation of topical communities centered on matters that are not commonly taken up by the general public because of the embarrassment, discomfort, or shock they may cause. Those are communities that depict or ...

Deep learning models for text to image retrieval

Researchers of the Networked Multimedia Information System (NeMIS) laboratory of Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo" in Pisa have developed a deep learning-based image search model that works by taking in input a short textual description of the image the user is looking for, e.g.: "a group of skiers in a sunny day". They implemented the actual search process as a similarity search in a visual feature space, by learning to translate a textual query into a deep neural ...

Community Discovery in Complex (and Dynamic) Networks

In our everyday life, we are used to picture social relations - as well as countless other interactions - as mutable, dynamic and often short-term bonds. Research studies have extensively shown that networks inferred from social ties can be used to observe, characterize and forecast different aspects of human activities (such as predict new connections [1] or the usage of online communication services [2]) and that, in order to correctly describe the social phenomena we study, it is often ...

PETRA Project: Personal Transport Advisor: an integrated platform of mobility patterns for Smart Cities to enable demand-adaptive transportation systems

The objective of the PETRA project is to develop a service platform that connects providers & controllers of city transport with the travellers in a new way. Cities get an integrated platform to enable the provision of citizen-centric, demand-adaptive city-wide transportation services. Travellers get mobile applications that facilitate them in making travel priorities and choices for route and modality. The result of the project is a city-wide transportation system comprised of several ...

3D supported restoration: the Neptune fountain in Bologna

The restoration of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna (Italy) started in 2016 and will be terminated in the first half of 2017. This action is funded by Comune di Bologna and it is joint project of Bologna University, Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro del MiBACT (ISCR) and CNR-ISTI. This restoration qualifies as a major restoration action both for the complexity of the artwork (a complex multi-material monument, with parts in stone and bronze showing different conservation ...

A new criticality index for the objects abandoned in low earth orbit

A common way to evaluate the latent long-term environmental impact of an orbiting object, refraining from running thousands of complex simulations based on quite uncertain scenario assumptions, is to devise an indexing scheme grounded on reasonable premises. The main advantage of these heuristic approaches is the adoption of simple to understand and simple to apply rules, while the main drawback is the lack of a validated cause-effect foundation, unavoidable if the uncertain, stochastic and ...

City users' classification with mobile phone data: the Sociometer

Context Mobile devices are today noticeable means by which people disseminate digital tracks of their everyday activities: movements, purchase transactions, preferences, opinions, and so on. In particular, mobile phones and the data they produce revealed as a high-quality proxy for studying people mobility in different domains, such as environmental monitoring, transportation planning , smart cities and social relationship analysis and innovative demographic indexes. Opportunities Currently, a ...

Learn PAd: Una Soluzione Orientata ai Processi per l'e-Learning nella Pubblica Amministrazione

The processes behind the functioning of modern Public Administration (PA) are characterized by increasing complexity and continuous evolution. In most cases these processes require a collaborative activity shared among different offices, both within an administration and also across more organizations. Moreover, as related laws and regulations are frequently modified, the administrative processes are constantly transformed requiring the intertwined adaptation of related services and data. At ...

How to help an otherwise-young person!

The EU-funded DOREMI project (Decrease of cOgnitive decline, malnutRition and sedEntariness by elderly empowerment in lifestyle Management and social Inclusion) showed that in elderly people cognitive decline can be counteract and social inclusion can be improved with the help of cognitive games and a virtual companion to be used with PCs, TVs and tablets. The decline of cognitive ability is strongly related to lifestyle, as well as social engagement, cognitive stimulation, nutrition and ...

Digital semeiotics

The face is the pre-eminent channel of communication among humans: it is a mirror of status, emotions, mood. This is the base principle of Medical Semeiotics, which looks at the face as a revealer of the healthy status of an individual, through a combination of physical signs (e.g., skin colour, subcutaneous fat) and facial expressions. Medical Semeiotics dates back as far as Aristotle's time; nevertheless it is still used by medical practitioners today, who rely on their ability to read the ...

Remote sensing analysis to detect and identify illegal maritime traffic

In recent years, European maritime countries had to face new situations involving the traffic of illegal vessels. The fight against unauthorized fishing, irregular migration and related smuggling activity has become an international priority. Image processing and computer vision methods can contribute to find a solution to these problems by using the large scale data which is nowadays made available by satellite constellations. With this aim, researchers at the Signals and Images Lab of ...

The NOSA-ITACA code for the structural analysis of masonry constructions of historical interest

by Maria Girardi, Cristina Padovani and Daniele Pellegrini In Italy many historically and artistically important masonry buildings are in dire need of maintenance and restoration. In order to optimize such operations in terms of cost-effectiveness, architectural impact and static effectiveness, numerical codes have a crucial role to play in modelling the structural behaviour of masonry buildings. By providing important information such as the collapse loads, the stress field and the ...

SI DO RE MI - Sistema Domiciliare di Rieducazione Espressiva del Movimento e dell'Interazione

Il progetto SI DO RE MI è stato sviluppato dal Laboratorio Segnali e Immagini dell'ISTI grazie ad un finanziamento della Fondazione Telecom Italia. Il progetto prevede un intervento rivolto a bambini con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico (DPS) e difficoltà relazionali finalizzato a promuovere l'interazione a vari livelli di complessità attraverso la mediazione della stimolazione sonora interattiva. A tale scopo è stato sviluppato un sistema HW/SW basato su di un calcolatore con sistema ...

3D Printing - Basic Research and Applications

The main aim of industrial prototyping is to create a tangible representation of an arbitrary digital geometry. Industrial fabrication is generally tuned for a specific object and the initial setup is usually a time consuming operation. The more complex the shape of the object, the more complex is the manufacturing process. Obviously, implementing a similar process to create a single (or a few) prototype(s) is not efficient. To deal with these specific industrial needs 3D printing devices have ...

At CNR in PISA the Smart Area is a reality

The smart area of the CNR was born in Pisa, baptized with an event held at the Auditorium of the National Research Council on Nov. 30, 2015, in which ICT applications were presented that make smart the CNR area in Pisa, being this the largest area in the overall panorama of the CNR research centers in Italy. In its 130 thousand s/m, 13 CNR institutes operate, and other research centers are housed, such as the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, the Ericsson, the Enea and and the G. Monasterio ...

Smart techniques for the design and management of smart cities

Smart cities are nowadays subject of many innovation projects, as well as on the political agenda of many (local) governments. Often, in the design of smart services, and discussions in this regard, the emphasis is mainly on the importance of data collection and of communications, particularly with respect to the Internet of things. Less attention is instead directed to the necessary interactions between the various parts (humans, things, programs, communications systems, etc..) and to the need ...

GiraffPlus: long-term monitoring and social interaction to improve the elderly's life quality

The GiraffPlus project ( is funded by the European Community within the Framework Programme Seven (FP7) and involves several european countries, research centres, companies and national health services. The scope of the project is promoting the indipendent living of the elderly who often live alone through a long-term monitoring of their activities inside their houses and the prevention of health problems or emergency situations that may arise. Moreover tools for ...

Reentry predictions for the goce satellite

The ESA's GOCE satellite was launched on 17 March 2009. It had a dry mass of 1002 kg and a roughly cylindrical shape of 1 m diameter and 5.3 m length, with wing-shaped fins spanning 2 m. After mapping the geopotential with unrivalled accuracy and detail for four years from an extremely low circular polar orbit, on 21 October 2013 the low thrust ion propulsion motor used to contrast the atmospheric drag was automatically shut down when the pressure in the xenon propellant tank dropped below a ...

ARGO Sentinel: the application for reporting oil spillages at sea

Based on the idea that contribution of volunteers might play a fundamental role in monitoring and protecting the environment, CNR-ISTI designed and developed a mobile application in order to allow people to timely report oil spills. By downloading the FREE app "ARGO Sentinel" volunteers are helping to monitor the health of our seas and the scientific research by demonstrating that the use of this new technology could be really important to combat pollution. Moreover this experiment suggests that ...

Active space debris removal by means of hybrid engine modules

During the last 40 years, the mass of the artificial objects in orbit increased quite steadily at the rate of about 145 metric tons annually, leading to a total tally of approximately 7000 metric tons. Now, most of the cross-sectional area and mass (97% below the altitude of 2000 km) is concentrated in about 4500 intact objects, i.e. abandoned spacecraft and rocket bodies, plus a further 1000 operational spacecraft. Simulations and parametric analyses have shown that the most effective way to ...

Digital Acquisition and Structural Analysis of the "Rognosa" Tower in San Gimignano

We present a set of integrated tools designed and developed for the digital acquisition and structural analysis of historical monuments and buildings. The assessment of monuments requires various types of expertise and technologies. The St@rt project (Sciences and Technologies for the Artistic, Architectural and Archaeological Tuscan heritage), funded by the region of Tuscany (Italy) for the three year period 2007-2010, aimed at integrating different research and administrative expertise in ...

Learning from Experience to Anticipate Domestic Needs

With the increasing influence of technology on our lives, it is becoming ever more important to offer new ambient intelligence solutions which enable humans to adapt and organize their lives around computational technologies and technologies that adapt to meet user behaviour. We apply machine learning techniques to demonstrate how user needs can be satisfied and anticipated by adding Ambient Intelligence solutions to any environment equipped with well-established commercial domotic ...

Strumenti di validazione della Posta Elettronica Certificata

La Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) è una estensione della Posta Elettronica disponibile in Internet. Estendendo il classico sistema di posta elettronica e aggiungendo nuove funzioni che servono a certificare (in modo tale da avere valore legale) i vari eventi cui è soggetto un messaggio durante il suo transito in rete (invio dal mittente, trasporto, consegna al destinatario), la PEC si configura oggi come uno strumento semplice, rapido ed efficace per snellire processi, velocizzare ...

Intelligent Design of Multi-Device Service Front-Ends with the Support of Task Models

We present a novel environment that supports the design of multi-device service-based interactive applications by using several user interface abstraction levels and utilizing the composition of annotated services. Web services are increasingly used to support remote and distributed access to application functionalities, thus enabling a large gamut of interactive applications. However, when the user support (the service front end) is developed after delivering the Web services, it is often ...

The OpenAIRE Project - Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe

OpenAIRE will deliver "an electronic infrastructure and supporting mechanisms for the identification, deposition, access, and monitoring of FP7 and ERC funded articles", where the main supporting mechanism will be a European Helpdesk System. The infrastructure will be based on state-of-the-art software services of the D-Net Software Toolkit developed within the DRIVER and DRIVER-II projects and the Invenio digital repository software developed at CERN. Although simple in conception, ...

conTatto: ambiente maieutico interattivo di ausilio alla riabilitazione di bambini affetti da autismo

Il progetto conTatto nasce dall'esperienza di terapista nel settore della neuropsichiatria infantile della D.ssa Grazia Ragone e della D.ssa Marina Pagliarini operata all'interno di strutture ospedaliere con modalità e tecniche di musicoterapia riabilitativa ed educativa e dall'esperienza di informatici del Dr.Leonello Tarabella e del Dr.Massimo Magrini operata all'interno dell'Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Area della Ricerca del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerca di Pisa, ...

Making Virtual Research Environments in the Cloud a Reality: the gCube Approach

n recent years scientists have been rethinking research workflows in favour of innovative paradigms to support multidisciplinary, computationally-heavy and data-intensive collaborative activities. In this context, e-Infrastructures can play a crucial role in supporting not only data capture and curation but also data analysis and visualization. Their implementation demands seamless and on-demand access to computational, content, and application services such as those typified by the Grid and ...

Buiding Discrete Spacetimes by Simple Deterministic Computations

The Computational Universe conjecture relates complexity in physics with emergence in computation. Our current research efforts are meant to put the surprisingly powerful notion of (computational) emergence at the service of recent quantum gravity theories, with special attention to the Causal Set Programme, which assumes causality among events as the most fundamental structure of spacetime, and causal sets as the most appropriate way to describe it. Our physical universe is discrete, finite, ...

Drag and energy accommodation coefficients during sunspot maximum

Conditions appropriate to gas-surface interactions on satellite surfaces in orbit have not been successfully duplicated in the laboratory. However, measurements by pressure gauges and mass spectrometers in orbit have revealed enough of the basic physical chemistry that realistic theoretical models of the gas-surface interaction can now be used to calculate physical drag coefficients. The dependence of these drag coefficients on conditions in space can be inferred by comparing the physical drag ...

Scientific Computing for Astrophysical Map Analysis

A research team at the Signal and Image Processing Lab of ISTI-CNR has been involved in studying data analysis algorithms for the European Space Agency's Planck Surveyor Satellite since 1999. The huge amount of data on the cosmic microwave background radiation provided by the Planck sensors requires very efficient analysis algorithms and high-performance computing facilities. The CNR group has proposed some of the source separation procedures that are now operational at the Planck data ...

gCube: a Service-Oriented Application Framework on Grid

The DLib group, led by Donatella Castelli, of the ISTI-CNR Networked Multimedia Information Systems Laboratory has developed an highly innovative application framework, gCube, for building and operating e-Infrastructures promoting an effective and efficient sharing of computing, content, and application services resources. These e-Infrastructures simplify the creation of Virtual Research Environments (VRE), i.e. collaborative digital environments through which scientists, addressing common ...

Multimedia/Multilingual Access to Cultural Heritage

The "Multimedia/Multilingual Information Retrieval" group of the Networked Multimedia Information Systems (NMIS) laboratory of ISTI-CNR, has developed a domain-specific multimedia/multilingual search engine targeted for the Cultural Heritage (CH) sector. The search engine, known as Multi Match, is the result of the activities of a European research project with the same name, coordinated by ISTI-CNR (see Cultural heritage content is everywhere on the web, in ...

Advanced Technology Transfer in Software Engineering

The growing diffusion of the Information and Communication Technology among any everyday assets and services is nowadays referred to as the "Pervasive ICT". The term "pervasive" well represents the trend that very soon hundreds of billions of microprocessors will be embedded within objects that do not even appear as ICT products and will govern in practice every aspect of our lives. This true revolution is progressively changing every business and the very way companies exist and compete. In any ...


The availability of new and low cost technologies has permitted to activate new applications and services in the domestic environment (domotics is the application of computer science in the house) in order to improve the quality of life. This improvement is obtained emphasizing: - comfort; - security and protection; - energy saving; - increasing of the autonomy of elderly / disabled persons; - remote access to external services; - domestic entertainment. For the improvement of the domotics ...

VCS - Verbatim Coding System

The ISTI-CNR text mining group (led by Fabrizio Sebastiani and including Andrea Esuli and Tiziano Fagni) of the Networked Multimedia Information Systems Laboratory, has recently designed and implemented VCS (acronym of Verbatim Coding System), a highly innovative software system for monitoring customer satisfaction in large enterprises. In the international market of software products for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) VCS is a unique system, and thanks to this uniqueness it has already ...

A microwave system for non destructive testing

System for the non destructive testing of dielectric materials by means of microwave techniques. The sensor is constituted by a narrow band antenna whose resonance frequency depends on permittivity of the media in the region close to the antenna. When the sensor is close to an object, the permittivity of the surface layers of the object itself is determined by the variation of the resonance frequency w.r.t. a vacuum measurement. Thus, we can obtain information about the object structure. Several ...

Migrating User Interfaces

Think of someone on the Internet who is taking part in an on-line auction. When it is almost over, the person involved has to catch a train to get to an important appointment which cannot be put off. There is no solution other than to turn off his computer and say goodbye to what he wanted to buy. If the GeReMi (Get Redesign Migrate) software had been installed on his PC, the problem would have been avoided. GeReMi lets the user who is on the Internet transfer his surfing to another device ...


E-Science has been defined as large scale scientific research carried out through distributed global collaborations enabled by networks, requiring shared access to large data collections, large computing resources, and high-performance visualisation. The benefits to research and society resulting from the ability to process, disseminate, and share information in unprecedented dimensions, has prompted worldwide initiatives to develop the cyberinfrastructure needed to empower e-Science. An example ...

3D Modeling, Interactive Graphics and Cultural Heritage

The research activity carried on by the Visual Computing Lab in the field of 3D Modeling and Interactive Graphics for applications to Cultural Heritage has led to new, important results. Such results are described in the papers: [A] Adaptive TetraPuzzles: Efficient Out-of-Core Construction and Visualization of Gigantic Multiresolution Polygonal Models P. Cignoni, F. Ganovelli, F. Ponchio e R. Scopigno (ISTI-CNR, Pisa), E. Gobbetti e F. Marton (CRS4, Cagliari) [B] Protected Interactive 3D ...

The Artificial Neural Networks extended to the Study of Shapes and

by O. Salvetti The research The study and development of deformable models enabling simulation of the behaviour of three-dimensional (3-D) structures embedded into real scenes and subjected to deforming forces, represent a challenge to computational neurosciences. In the construction of such models, artificial neural networks are in the forefront of research, results obtained so far by the "Signals and Images" Laboratory of ISTI-CNR have evidenced the potential and the effectiveness of ...

Research and Projects on Grid Computing

by Domenico Laforenza Introduction Nowdays the popularity of Internet and the availability of powerful computers and fast networks make possible to couple a wide variety of computational resources like supercomputers, storage systems, data sources and special devices, and using all of them as a single powerful parallel machine. This new computational paradigm has been defined "Grid Computing". This research topic has raised enoumous interest both in US [1] and Europe, as witnessed by the ...