Earth system science and environmental technologies
Research institutes
- Institute of environmental geology and geoengineering (IGAG)
- Institute of geosciences and earth resources (IGG)
- Institute of methodologies for environmental analysis (IMAA)
- Research institute for geo-hydrological protection (IRPI)
- Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET)
- Water research institute (IRSA)
- Institute of atmospheric sciences and climate (ISAC)
- Marine science institute (ISMAR)
- Istituto di Scienze Polari (ISP)
- Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine (IRBIM)
- Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino (IAS)
- Institute of Atmospheric pollution Research (IIA)