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Curriculum (IT)
Curriculum (EN)
Alberto Figoli is serving as the Director of the Institute on Membrane Technology of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ITM), Rende (CS) Italy, since 1st March 2019. His research expertise include membrane science and engineering with special focus on membrane preparation and characterisation, membrane applications in environmental filed, membrane contactor applications, pervaporation, downstream processing based on molecular separation, membrane emulsifier and encapsulation, integrated membrane operations for water treatment.
He has been involved in membrane science and engineering research and development for more than 20 years, being involved in research co-operations at European and international level.
He received the degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of Milan (Italy) in March 1996. During the Master Thesis his research focused on the Supercritical CO2 Extraction and he performed a stage of two months at the University Nova De Lisboa (Portugal), within the Erasmus Project. He carried out a working experience at the Research Group of Quest International (Unilever) in Naarden (NL), May-December 1996.
In May 1997, he started his PhD degree at Membrane Technology Group, Twente University (Enschede, NL), on Development of novel membranes for facilitated transport for the separation O2/N2, and he got the PhD degree in October 2001.
In the period December 2001-February 2019, he was researcher at the Institute on Membrane Technology (CNR-ITM) in Rende (CS, Italy).
He has been elected in the board of the European Membrane Society (EMS) and he was responsible for Awards and Summerschool (2015-2017) and Secretary (2017-2019).
He is involved in several international and national projects, as CNR-ITM scientific coordinator and/or participant. He has been invited speakers in several international Conferences, Seminars and Courses. He is reviewer of several International projects (ERC, National projects) and Research Agency (as APN (France), NWO (Netherlands), FWO (Belgium), etc). He is author of more than 180 scientific papers and chapters published in international journals and 3 National/International patents on membrane technology (H index = 30, Source Scopus). He is Editor of 5 books and several special issues. He is member of editorial board of scientific journals, member of the referee pool of scientific journals and research agencies, member of international committees and several scientific societies.