Institute of applied physics "Nello Carrara" (IFAC)


Professional services provided by IFAC are grouped according to the various application fields:

- Optics and Photonics: design and production of optical fiber gratings, 3D-microresonators, microwave compact oscillators; characterization of fluorescent materials. Services provided to e.g. CERN, Thales, Intersys.

- Laser processing: optimization studies on laser cutting of ceramic materials; laser cleaning of drying cells. Services provided to e.g. SACMI, Imola.

- Electromagnetic (EM) Field measurements and safety assessment: campaigns of EM fields measurements on board of rolling stocks; verification of compliance with safety regulations for exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields in building sites; development of a probe for assessing exposure to EM fields (marketed as EHP-50E). Services provided to e.g. Italcertifer, Asta Costruzioni, Narda STS.

- Services for the Cultural Heritage: campaigns in museums and in open environment for in situ scientific analysis and monitoring of artworks; laboratory analyses; restoration of artworks by laser cleaning. Services provided to superintendencies, museums, conservation centers (e.g. Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Opera del Duomo) and firms.

- Agro-food: Data acquisition, analysis and advice to non-destructively control the physiological state of crops and the quality of their products; tests on grapes and other fruits. Services provided to farms and research centers in Lazio and Südtirol.