Institute of applied physics "Nello Carrara" (IFAC)
Phone number: +39 055 5226437
c/o Area di Ricerca di Firenze
Via Madonna del Piano, 10 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino
Phone number: 055/522 6437 - 055/5226436
Fax: 055/5226477
The Institute of Applied Physics "Nello Carrara" (IFAC) was born in Florence in 2002 from the union of the Institute of Research on Electromagnetic Waves, founded by Nello Carrara, with the Institute of Quantum Electronics. The merger created a strong institute, operating in the fields of applied physics and ICT.
The scientific-technological identity of IFAC relays on a central core of expertise in physical technologies (optoelectronics and photonics, spectroscopy, electromagnetism), applied to the development of innovative devices and instruments, such as lasers, sensors, spectrometers, integrated photonic and nanophotonic devices. These skills are complemented with those from engineering, aimed at modeling environmental parameters and data/images processing. Skills in materials science and biotechnology complete the multidisciplinary landscape of the available enabling technologies.
IFAC therefore has inside the research potential that is necessary to accompany the technological development of innovative methods and devices, from the formulation and testing of the project idea (TRL 2-3) to its prototypal realization and validation in the relevant environment of use (TRL 5-6). Many of these technologies are subject to patenting, which favors their technological transfer and industrial development.
From this picture it results a very strong interaction of IFAC with companies and end users (hospitals, space agencies, environmental protection bodies and for the conservation of Cultural Heritage) that are able to incorporate innovation into an advanced state of development. The Institute is therefore highly competitive in the acquisition of external research funds, which guarantee continuity in self-financing for purchasing new equipment and recruiting new human resources.
In addition, IFAC plays a key role in supporting technology transfer programs at regional, national and international levels, providing innovation policy recommendations, high-level consulting activities and supporting the training of experts.