Cnr Central Library 'G. Marconi'
Established in 1927, the Central Library 'G. Marconi' is the main italian multidisciplinary library devoted to science and technics.
The library supervises the whole Cnr library system which is made up of 20 Research Area libraries and about 80 libraries/documentation centres of the Cnr research Institutes located all over the italian Country.
Among its tasks, the library collects and preserves the scientific publications and technical reports edited in Italy (Deposito legale - Legge 15 aprile 2004, n. 106, Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 3 maggio 2006, n.252, Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 7 ottobre 1987, n. 475) and is the official repository of the Cnr scientific technical works (Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 7 ottobre 1987, n. 475).
It acts as a National Reference Point in collecting and promoting grey literature within the OpenGrey european network (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe) and it is appointed as Italian ISSN Center (International Standard Serial Number).
It is acknowledged as a CDE Documentation Center and, therefore, as a member of EUROPE DIRECT, the European information network designated by the European Commission.
It also participates in the formulation and development of ISO-UNI rules.
The library is located in Rome in the general Cnr headquarters (Piazzale le Aldo Moro, 7 - 00185 - ROMA).
Data source: Planning, Programming and Central Library Unit
Last update: 08/11/2023