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Biotecnologie: Ricerca di Base, Interdisciplinare e Traslazionale in Ambito Biomedico

Dal 27/06/2013 ore 08.30 al 28/06/2013 ore 18.30

Convegno scientifico nell'ambito del comitato paritetico CNR-Università di Palermo

"Extracellular microRNAs: searching for a signature of lymphocyte activation"

Il 28/06/2013 ore 14.30 - 15.30

Dr Paola de Candia, from Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare (Milano) will talk about thecommunication between immune cells that involves not only secretion of cytokines and chemokines, but also the release of membrane vesicles of very small size (20-100 nanometers) called exosomes (or also nanovesicles), that enclose soluble cellular components derived from donor cells. It has been demonstrated that also this second mechanism has functional consequences including the induction, amplification and/or modulation of immune responses. In addition, a novel mechanism of genetic exchange ...

Connecting heart and head muscle development: myogenic progenitor cells in pharyngeal mesoderm

Il 24/06/2013 ore 12.00 - 13.00

Seminario del Prof. Robert Kelly del Developmental Biology Institute of Marseilles, CNRS, France The pharyngeal region of the embryo plays an essential role in cardiovascular and craniofacial development. Pharyngeal mesoderm contains both myocardial progenitor cells of the second heart field that contribute to the rapidly growing poles of the early heart tube at the time of cardiac looping. Right ventricular and outflow tract myocardium are derived from cells of the anterior heart field, which contribute to the arterial pole or outlet of the heart. Malformation of this region of the heart is ...

The dopamine synapse in normal function and disease

Il 21/06/2013 ore 12.00 - 13.00

Seminario del Dott. David Sulzer, PhD Professor of Clinical Neurology, Pharmacology and Psychiatry Research Laboratories for Parkinson's DiseaseDepartments of Neurology and Psychiatry - Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA Dr. Sulzer's lab investigates the interaction between the synapses of the cortex and the basal ganglia, including the dopamine system, in normal behavior, including habit formation, planning, decision making, and action selection, and diseases of the system. Their work has made several fundamental contributions to understanding the mechanism of action of ...

Bayesian Methods for Variable Selection with Applications to High-dimensional Data

Dal 17/06/2013 ore 14.00 al 21/06/2013 ore 13.00

The school ABS13 (2013 Applied Bayesian Statistics School) , organised by CNR IMATI (Milano) and Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università Cattolica, Milano, aims to present state-of-the-art Bayesian applications, inviting leading experts in their field. Each year a different topic is chosen. The topic chosen for the 2013 school is "Bayesian Methods for Variable Selection with Applications to High-dimensional Data". The lecturer will be Prof. Marina Vannucci (Rice University, Houston, USA). She will be assisted by Raffaele Argiento (CNR IMATI, Italy) for the practical ...

Molecular regulation of muscle stem cell function

Il 18/06/2013 ore 15.00 - 16.00

Seminario del Prof. Michael Rudnicki. Senior Scientist and Director of the Regenerative Medicine Program and the Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research, Ottawa Health Research Institute Professor, Department of Medicine and Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada Canada Research Chair in Molecular Genetics Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholar Scientific Director, Stem Cell Network Scientific Director, International Regulome Consortium Biography Dr. Michael Rudnicki is a Senior ...

Summer School on Neuroscience and Aging

Dal 10/06/2013 ore 14.00 al 15/06/2013 ore 19.00

Summer School on Neuroscience and AgingVenice, 10 - 15 June 2013

"Epigenetics and nuclear structures: the role of Lamin A in muscle differentiation"

Il 14/06/2013 ore 14.30 - 15.30

Dr Chiara Lanzuolo from the Institute of Cellular Biology and Neurobiology, CNR, Rome studies the Polycomb group (PcG) of proteins that is part of a conserved epigenetic cell memory system that prevents changes in cell lineage identity by maintaining transcription patterns through cell divisions via chromatin structure. Although it is clear that chromatin organization and epigenetic regulation are altered in diseases caused by mutantions in Lamin A, virtually nothing is known about the specific functions of lamins in these processes under normal physiological conditions. We hypothesize an ...

SIBBM 2013 - Frontiers in Molecular Biology. Revisiting the Central Dogma: Emerging New Concepts in Replication, Transcription, and Translation

Dal 05/06/2013 ore 10.30 al 07/06/2013 ore 13.00

Congresso della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia molecolare organizzaato dal dott. Giuseppe Biamonti (Direttore IGM-CNR, Pavai) e dal Prof. Andrea Mattevi (DBB-UNiversità di Pavia)

Bologna: Evento di brokeraggio "Innovat&Match 2013", la ricerca incontra l'impresa

Dal 05/06/2013 ore 13.00 al 06/06/2013 ore 18.00

Il CNR, partner di Enterprise Europe Network - EEN - co-organizza, in collaborazione con gli altri partner della rete, l'evento di b2b Innovat&Match 2013, che si svolgerà a Bologna il 5 e 6 giugno 2013, nell'ambito del salone R2B Research to Business 2013, il salone internazionale della ricerca industriale. La precedente edizione di Innovat&Match ha prodotto 667 incontri ricerca-impresa (+154% rispetto al 2011) con oltre 200 aziende coinvolte e partner italiani e stranieri, dal Brasile al Giappone. Dodici le aree tematiche scelte quest’anno: ...

Third Arturo Falaschi Lecture

Il 04/06/2013 ore 11.00 - 14.00

Seminario Prof. Tom Misteli (Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA) dal titolo: "The Cell Biology of Genomes: Bringing the Double Helix to Life"


Dal 31/05/2013 ore 12.00 al 01/06/2013 ore 16.00

Si svolgerà a Pavia presso l'IGM il XXV Convegno "I processi di ADP-ribosilazione", che riunisce circa 20 gruppi italiani che operano in questo settore. Il Convegno si articola su due giornate (31 maggio-1 giugno) ed è organizzato da Ivana Scovassi, che ricopre il ruolo di Coordinatore Nazionale degli ADP-ribosilatori. Questo evento si svolge con il supporto della Fondazione Buzzati Traverso, e grazie al finanziamento di varie Ditte (Biospa, Life Technologies, Vinci Biochem).  

"TMEM16A and TMEM16B proteins as calcium-activated chloride channels"

Il 31/05/2013 ore 14.30 - 15.30

Dott. Luis Galietta graduated in 1985 at the University Federico II, Naples. Then he moved at the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Institute Giannina Gaslini, Genova where in 1991 he became Director of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, working on the functional and molecular characterization of ionic channels. Dott. Galietta has made important studies in the field of cystic fibrosis by identifying potentiators and correctors (dihydropyridines and aminoarylthiazoles) of CFTR. More recently he has discovered a new family of  calcium dependent chloride transporters (Caputo et al., ...

The atypical vesicular glutamate transporter VGLUT3 and co-transmission

Il 27/05/2013 ore 12.00 - 13.00

Seminario del Prof. Salah El Mestikawy del Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal (Que) Canada Salah El Mestikawy, PhD, joined the Douglas Institute in 2008 to direct an international research team based both at the Douglas Institute and at the Pierre & Marie Curie University in France (INSERM U952, CNRS UMR7224). In the brain, neurons use a combination of electrical and chemical signals to communicate with each other. Chemical messengers are also known as neurotransmitters. Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. Without ...

The dangerous genomic liaisons of NF-Y, a pioneer transcription factor

Il 27/05/2013 ore 12.00 - 13.00

Seminario del Prof. Roberto Mantovani del Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano. Research Interests: Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying regulation of transcription, through the paradigm represented by the CCAAT-binding factor NF-Y, an evolutionarily conserved trimeric factor which regulates many, if not most, mammalian promoters. NF-Y is studied by structural, structure-function and genomic location approaches in humans, yeast and plants. -Identification of genomic targets of transcription factors through location analysis. We are particulalrly ...

The role of the transcription factor Otx2 in embryonic Pluripotent Stem Cells (ESCs and EpiSCs)

Il 24/05/2013 ore 14.30 - 15.30

Prof Simeone is Research Director at the Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, CNR, in Naples. Prof. Simeone’s research has mainly been focused on:-Complexity of the Otx2 gene expression control: transcriptional, post-transcriptional and translational regulation of Otx2 mRNA isoforms co-operate for the specification and maintenance of the forebrain and midbrain identity.-Role of Otx2 in the neurogenesis of mesencephalic-diencephalic dopaminergic (mdDA) neurons.-Role of Otx2 in adult mdDA neurons: control of neuron subtype identity; modulation of Dopamine signaling and vulnerability to ...

Invisible beauty of the cell: optical nanoscopy and super resolution approaches

Il 20/05/2013 ore 12.00 - 13.00

Seminario del Prof. Alberto Diaspro. Alberto Diaspro is Director of the Department of Nanophysics at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Professor of Applied Physics at the Department of Physics of University of Genova, and scientific coordinator of the Ph.D. Course in Nanosciences at the University of Genova within an IIT program. He is President of OWLS (Optics with Life Sciences), past President of EBSA (European Biophysical Societies Association), Appointed Vice President of ICO (Interational Commission of Optics) and founder of the Nanoscale Biophysics Subgroup of the Biophysical ...

Conferenza Istituti dell'Area di Tor Vergata vs Imprese

Il 16/05/2013 ore 08.45 - 17.00

Giovedì 16 Maggio 2013 presso l’Area della Ricerca del CNR a Tor Vergata si terrà l’incontro tra gli Istituti dell’Area e le Imprese della Regione Lazio. Il Convegno sarà aperto da rappresentanti prestigiosi di Istituzioni pubbliche e private. Durante la giornata saranno presentate l’offerta scientifica e tecnologica degli Istituti e la domanda delle Imprese in vista di possibili sinergie e opportunità di collaborazione. Il programma dettagliato della giornata, comprendente anche la lista degli interventi, è pubblicato anche ...

The role of X-linked intellectual disability genes in synapse functions

Il 13/05/2013 ore 12.00 - 13.00

Seminario della Dott.ssa Maria Passafaro dell'Istituto di Neuroscienze del CNR di Milano. Her interest is centred on understanding the functional role of proteins associated to postsynaptic membrane of excitatory synapses in the mammalian central nervous system. In particular, we focused to study the role of various components of postsynaptic density (PSD) and of glutamate receptors. Currently, the laboratory is following a main project in the molecular regulation of glutamate receptors trafficking at synapses by Myosin ...

Myoglobin: new comparative perspectives

Il 10/05/2013 ore 14.30 - 15.30

Prof Angela Fago from the Institute of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark has been focused on identifying the link between molecular properties of globin proteins (that are involved in oxygen transport) and their physiological functional roles, a topic in which our group has a leading position worldwide. Her studies have encompassed a wide range of biochemical adaptations of oxygen transport proteins in various animals, including cold-adaptation in Antarctic fish, high-altitude adaptation in deer mouse and hummingbirds, hibernation in ground squirrels and bears and diving in whales ...

Open Access per i dati della ricerca: una rivoluzione possibile?

Il 09/05/2013 ore 09.30 - 16.00

Partecipano al workshop: Enrico Brugnoli, Direttore del Dipartimento Scienze del Sistema Terra e Tecnologie per l’AmbienteRiccardo Pozzo, Direttore del Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale Daniela Luzi, CNR-IRPPSIndagine sui dati della ricerca nel settore ambientale: percezione e pratiche dei ricercatori CNR Stefano Nativi, CNR-IIA, Membro nelGdLdiScience Europeper "Open Accessto researchdata“L'iniziativa Open Access diScience Europe Anna D’Amato, CNR -Ufficio Attività e Relazioni con Istituzioni Europee Antonello Provenzale, CNR-ISAC, ...

Translational antimicrobial strategies at the end of the antibiotic era

Il 30/04/2013 ore 14.30 - 15.30

George P. Tegos is an Associate Professor at the Department of Pathology School of Medicine at the University of New Mexico affiliated with the Center of Molecular Discovery and a Visiting Faculty at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He was trained as a molecular microbiologist and received his PhD from University of Ioannina Greece. He completed postdoctoral fellowships in Molecular Microbiology (Antimicrobial Discovery Center at Northeastern University, 2001-2003) and Translational therapeutics in Dermatology (Wellman Center for ...

What cyclists, cemeteries and the church can tell us about the evolutionary genetics of life, love and death

Il 29/04/2013 ore 12.00 - 13.00

Seminario del Dott. Erik Postma Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental StudiesUniversity of ZurichWinterthurerstrasse 190CH-8057 Zurich CV Education and professional positions 2011 - presentResearch Associate, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland2008 - 2011Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland2006 - 2008Vice-Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia2001 - 2005Ph.D., Netherlands Institute of Ecology ...

Un giorno per Rita Levi-Montalcini

Il 23/04/2013 ore 09.30 - 13.30

Incontro scientifico organizzato dal Dr. Luigi Aloe dell'IBCN-CNR di Roma per discutere di NGF e per ricordare la figura della Prof.ssa Rita Levi-Montalcini, a pochi mesi dalla sua scomparsa e in occasione dei 104 anni dalla sua nascita. Rita Levi-Montalcini fu anche fondatrice dell'Istituto di Biologia Cellulare e dell'Istituto di Neurobiologia del CNR. Stretti collaboratori presenteranno le loro recenti ricerche relative alla molecola da lei scoperta.

Cytokines and microRNAs inducing cardiac protection and myocardial regeneration

Il 22/04/2013 ore 12.00 - 14.00

Seminario del Prof. Mauro Giacca, Director, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, ICGEB, TriesteCurrent research interest focuses on the development of novel biotherapeutics for cardiovascular disorders, with special emphasis on the identification of growth factors and microRNAs able to induce new blood vessel formation and cardiac regeneration in patients with myocardial infarction or heart failure. He also maintains a strong interest in the molecular biology of HIV-1 infection.Research activity is funded through grants from various public and private bodies, ...

Una vita da Nobel

Il 22/04/2013 ore 09.30 - 13.00

Il 22 aprile 2013, presso l'Aula Magna dell'Università 'Sapienza' di Roma, si svolgerà un incontro in ricordo della scienziata Rita Levi Montalcini, in occasione del giorno del suo compleanno.  Apriranno i lavori il rettore Luigi Frati e il presidente dell'Ebri Pietro Calissano. Tra le autorità presenti il sindaco di Roma Gianni Alemanno, Gianni Letta, Francesco Profumo, Enrico Garaci, Francesco della Valle, Antonino Cattaneo e il presidente del Cnr Luigi Nicolais. Al termine del convegno, il presidente Nicolais ...

Life Sciences Taiwan-Italy Bilateral Workshop

Il 18/04/2013 ore 10.00 - 18.00

Workshop bilaterale Taiwan-Italy in materia di scienze della vita, co-organizzato e ospitato dall'Istituto di Genetica e Biofisica "Adriano Buzzati-Traverso".Si tratta del terzo evento di questo tipo (i precedenti essendosi svolti a Roma nel 2010 e a Taipei nel 2011) e ha come scopo quello di favorire collaborazioni tra i due Paesi nella ricerca biologica, in vista anche di future facilitazioni economiche.L'economia Taiwanese è fortemente basata su ricerca e sviluppo (specialmente nel campo delle tecnologie). Investe il 3% del PIL sulla ricerca (in Italia è circa 1%, negli USA ...

Nutraceutica: sviluppo e prospettive

Il 16/04/2013 ore 09.30 - 17.00

Migliorare la qualità della vita, il benessere delle persone e prevenire le patologie croniche sono importanti sfide sociali ed economiche per i Paesi occidentali. Per rendere ciò sostenibile non ci si può basare solo sull’assunzione di farmaci ed è per questo che negli ultimi anni è aumentata l’assunzione di preparati contenenti composti bioattivi di origine naturale. Tali prodotti, functional foods (detti anche nutraceutici), sono sempre più utilizzati per mantenere sia il benessere fisico che le capacità cognitive. Il mercato ...

Gorillas Out of the Mist: Unravelling the Fog Surrounding Another Genome

Il 15/04/2013 ore 12.00 - 13.00

Seminario della Dott.ssa Bryndis Yngvadottir del Division of Biological Anthropology del University of Cambridge RESEARCH INTERESTS My primary research interests are in the field of human evolution. Specifically, they include the subjects of genetic variation in humans and non-human great apes, natural selection, cultural history and genome-wide comparison of closely related populations and species. My current work is focused on analysing genetic variation in modern gorillas to make inferences about their demographic past. To this end I am using the de novo assembly of Kamilah, a western ...

Le molecole del Cnr al Salone del Mobile di Milano

Dal 09/04/2013 ore 18.00 al 12/04/2013 ore 21.00

VISIONICA, un evento a cura della Triennale di Milano, aprirà il giorno 9 Aprile alle 18, con un concerto molecolare. Come ogni anno, il Salone del Mobile di Milano vede una varietà di eventi culturali collaterali di interesse generale. Quest'anno la Mediateca di Santa Teresa, sede della Bilbioteca Braidense, in via Moscova, ospiterà per la settimana dal 9 al 12 Aprile una serie di installazioni dal titolo collettivo VISIONICA. Si tratta di una serie di 'esperimenti' o attività, che coniugano arte e scienza in 5 installazioni diverse. La giornata di ...