International scientific organization

IUTAM - International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

The Union main goals, extracted from its Statute, are:

  • establish a link between people and organizations devoted to scientific research in all branches of theoretical and applied mechanics and related sciences, including analytical, computational and experimental studies;
  • organize meetings and international conferences on issues falling under the fields of theoretical and applied mechanics;
  • engage in any other activities aimed at promoting the development of mechanics, both theoretical and applied as a branch of science.

Since 1948, IUTAM publishes an annual report containing details of all the activities carried out; copies of reports are kept by CISM - International Centre for Mechanical Sciences ( in Udine (Italy). Since 2000, the reports can be downloaded from  IUTAM website:

Since 2002, IUTAM activities are organized according to a scheme which provides 9 thematic areas of work:

  • Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Rheology
  • Dynamical Systems and Mechatronics
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • materials Processing
  • Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics: this WP acts as link between IUTAM and IACM
  • Biomechanics
  • Nano- and Micro-Scale Phenomena in Mechanics
  • Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics
  • Education in Mechanics and Capacity Building


Segretario Generale: Prof. Robert McMeeking
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California - Santa Barbara, USA
Web site:



Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare
Via di Vallerano 139 - 00128 Roma
Phone number: 0650299328

Reports IUTAM

Commission CNR-IUTAM: documents

Last update: 12/02/2025