International scientific organization

ISC - International Science Council

The International Council for Science was created during 2018 from the merging of ICSU and ISSC. It is a non-governmental organization with global membership of about 140 national scientific organizations, in addition to the 40 International Scientific Unions. 

The main mission of ISC, as previously for ICSU, is to strengthen Science at international level for the benefit of the Society by mobilizing scientific knowledge and financial resources in a coordinated manner, to identify, address and solve the major problems for science and society.

It promotes collaboration and cooperation among scientists from all disciplines and from all countries, regardless of race, nationality, language, religion, political position and gender. It also promotes multidisciplinary approaches to global problems and provides high-level scientific advice to governments also to foster dialogue between science, policy, society and the private sector. ISC is the unique international organization coupling natural sciences with social sciences. 


The previous Organization, ICSU, was founded in Brussels in 1919 under the name of Conseil International de Recherches. The name ICSU dates back to 1931. As a non-governmental international scientific institution, ICSU has always worked  with UNESCO.

A report on "Future of the Ocean and its Seas: a non-governmental scientific perspective on seven marine research issues of interest G7" was published in May 2016 technology-Ministers-meeting-in-japan

This report is a summary of the activities of an international group of experts made up of IAPSO (IUGG) and SCOR in response to the press release following the "Meeting of G7 Ministers of Science" (Berlin, 8-9 October 2015).

The report contains recommendations to policy makers on how to address seven of the issues identified in the G7 press release: Plastic pollution of the marine environment, Deep-sea mining and its ecosystem impacts, Ocean acidification, De-oxygenation, Ocean warming, Biodiversity loss, ecosystem Marine degradation.


Secretariat International Science Council (ISC)
Web site:



Istituto per lo studio dei materiali nanostrutturati
c/o Area della Ricerca di Roma 1 - Strada Provinciale 35/d n. 9 - 08010 Montelibretti (RM)

Substitute delegate


Istituto di Chimica dei Composti OrganoMetallici

Reports ISC

Commission CNR-ISC: documents

Last update: 24/04/2024