The CNR - ISAFoM - "Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean was established by CNR regulation no. 15877 of 23.05.2001 and no. 15922 of 12.06.2001. It is born from the merger of four bodies (three institutes and a center) pertaining to former Agriculture Committee 0.6:
o Institute for the Study of agronomic irrigation in the South (ISPAIM) - Ercolano (NA);
oInstitute of research on olive (IRO) - Perugia;
o Institute of Forest Ecology and Hydrology (IEIF) - Roges di Rende (CS);
o Center for Strategic study on field crops in the Mediterranean environment (CSCESAM) - Catania
The named research bodies, represent currently the different Unit of ISAFOM. The Institute, headquarters is located in Portici (NA)
The Institute is part of the Department scienze bioagroalimentari of CNR..
The ISAFOM has a "critical mass" of 89 units, enough to develop studies and research on the effects of the changing climate with reference to the "sustainability" of crop production in agriculture and forestry (food and no food crops). The Institute acts as "significant reference" in the national european and more generally of the regions with a Mediterranean climate
Are part of ISAFOM different technical and research structures reported below:
Experimental farms: a) Vitulazio (Caserta), about 33 ha, representative of south Italian irrigated plains, were are carried out open field experiments for studies on sustainable agriculture also in relation to the introduction of innovative crops in the current cropping systems and sustainable use of irrigation with water of poor quality (effects on crops and soil); b) Piano Cappelle (Benevento), 2.5 hectares, representative of the environments of the southern Italian hill, where studies related are conducted field studies on sustainable hill agriculture since 1992 and where studies of the responses to abiotic stresses on some olive cultivars are underway on.
Laboratories: a) Chemical Analysis, b) Physics and Hydrology of Soils and Porous Media, c) Stability and Structure of Soils, d) Air quality measurements, e) X-ray microtomography, f) Ecophysiology, g) Micromorphology of Soils, h ) Biometeorology, i) vis-NIR spectrometry, l) Geomatics m) growth camera.
Catania UNIT
Experimental farms: a) Siracusa (40 m above sea level); b) Assoro (EN) (850 m above sea level.); c) Sferro (CT) (550 m above sea level) and 4500 square meters of solar greenhouses site's Santa Croce Camerina (RG, 10 m above sea level). The experimental unit are representative of climatic situations typical of the Mediterranean region: the coastal area characterized by high income crops, of to the internal hill and mountain with high risk of pedology degradation.
Laboratories: a) Chemical analysis; b) Micropropagation; c) Biology; d) Molecular Genetics.
Rende (CS) UNIT
Experimental basin located in Sila Greca (CS), Geographical position: 39 ° 28 'N, 16 ° 30' E, Extension: 139 ha, Reforestation of black pine trees; b) two experimental basins located near the town of Crotone (KR), Geographical position: 39 ° 09 'N, 17 ° 08' E, Extension: 1:37 ha; 1.65 ha, coppice eucalyptus
Laboratories: a) GIS - Service Centre of Advanced Cartography; b) Physical and Chemical Soil; c) Dendrochronology
Perugia UNIT
a) Collection of potted olive trees (about 1000 accessions) currently being transferred in the field of Follonica IVALSA. b) Field of Tuoro sul Trasimeno (breeding and conservation of olive crosses).
Laboratories: a) Biology; b) Biotechnology; c) Gas chromatography and HPLC; d) CG Massa e) ICP OES f) Analysis of soil and compost; g) composting plants h) Analytical oils; i) Photography
Research facilities: a) Mini mill; b) experimental Serra (264 m2).
Distinctiveness of ISAFOM
The ISAFOM is a research organized to be competitive and integrated in the international european and national domestic research system, The research primary strategic objective is the integration of agronomic knowledge, ecological and technological and the development of tools for the sustainable management of the environment characterized by Mediterranean climate. Resolutions and international research programs needs for the future to highlight the priorities determined by the effects of climate change on agricultural and forestry systems, the conservation of biodiversity and desertification. These concepts are the main reference for the activities of the Institute and are the basis of the EU research programs and strategies for the major research centers in Europe and are part of the Department di Scienze Bioagroalimentari
The ISAFoM aims to contribute to sustainable development of the agricultural and forestry system in consideration of the effects of climate change by following several strategies: a) integration of the research conducted in the different research Unit of the Institute on specific aspects of the biological and ecological balances in view of their application for optimal agricultural production and for conservation of forest resources in regions with a Mediterranean climate; b) intensification of research on the enhancement and innovation of agro-food production and forestry, with particular attention to their global quality; c) cultivation and use of no-food production for energy, green chemistry and bio-refinery; d) study of methods of the effects of the atmosphere and climate of the present and future on productive behavior and interactions with the natural and human environment of crops and forests
The multidisciplinary and specific scientific skills that were transferred to ISAFOM at the time of its formation, lead the research to be conducted on various topics that are expressed in national research projects, regional, and international collaborations with specifications and agreements with Italian and foreign universities and private partners.
The multidisciplinary approach (biological, physiological, agronomic biotechnology, modeling etc.) to the problem of sustainability of crop production in the agricultural and forestry systems considered, allows to carry out studies and research in the area that is scientifically qualified on single plant, and almost all agricultural and forest species economically dominant for environments characterized by mediterranean climate (olive, grain legumes, tomato, artichoke, etc.).