The italian dictionary (OVI)


The TLIO (Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini) and its New Interface

Today, the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO), the first truly historical dictionary of Old Italian (up to 1400 AD ca.) is accessible through a new improved web interface, yielding immediate access to the almost 23,000 entries and providing information in an even easier way than before. Selecting a headword, the different meanings are displayed, followed by the respective examples. Clicking on the tabs located between the headword and the first meaning, more information is given: ...

The Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO) on-line

The Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO) is the first historical dictionary of Old Italian. It is a very new work for several reasons. First of all, it actually is an on-line dictionary: it not only is published on the Internet(, or, but also is a dynamic dictionary, the entries of which can be constantly modified, for instance by adding new examples and even new definitions when new texts are added to the Old Italian database, ...


The database of the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (TLIO) was formed in order to create a dictionary. However, since that time it has proved to be an autonomous and irreplaceable instrument for linguistic, literary and philological studies on Old Italian. Its rigour and its organization, precise and easy to use, renders it a point of reference for an increasing number of researchers that use it. (see the link Citazioni on the OVI homepage []). The TLIO database ...

The GATTO and GattoWeb Software System

GATTO © In order to build TLIO (Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini - [Ancient Italian Language Treasure]), the Institute "Opera del Vocabolario Italiano" has for many years been making use of a lexicographic software entirely designed and developed in-house. This software, called GATTO© (Gestione degli Archivi Testuali del Tesoro delle Origini - [Management of TLIO Textual Archives] - Copyright CNR 1999), is a tool for building electronic textual corpora based on texts, ...