IBPM is actively committed to research training initiatives at various levels.
University training. Many IBPM researchers are involved in teaching activities, in BSc and MSc programmes, as well as post-graduate courses (e.g. PhD schools, specialization and master classes), prevalently at Sapienza University and at other universities and higher educational institutions.
In particular, teaching appointments of IBPM staff at Sapienza concern MSc degree courses (e.g. in Biology and Cellular Technology, Chemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Medicine, Neurobiology) and PhD schools in the network of the PhD consortium in Biology and Molecular Medicine (BeMM; Some IBPM researchers are members of the teaching board of the Sapienza PhD schools in Biochemistry, Cellular and Developmental Biology, and Genetics and Molecular Biology.
Some IBPM researchers also act as visiting professors at foreign universities and are co-supervisors or external advisors of project Theses in National and foreign Universities.
Post-University training in bionformatics and the Elixir initiative. IBPM plays an important role in the European ELIXIR initiative, devoted to promote higher education in the field of bioinformatics and its applications in Biomedical research. The Italian coordinator is an IBPM staff member. The recent programme "Train the trainers", co-organised by the IBPM coordinator, has run throughout Europe in 2017 (see description at "A new pan-European Train-the-Trainer programme for bioinformatics: pilot results on feasibility, utility and sustainability of learning". doi: 10.1093/bib/bbx112).
Research training. Virtually all IBPM staff are tutors of research projects at the BSc, MSc and PhD levels.
IBPM has successfully trained many young researchers (graduate, master and PhD students; trainees; research scholarship and fellowship holders) some of whom are now group leaders at prestigious Institutions in Italy and abroad. The Institute is accredited by the University Sapienza SOUL platform ("Sistema Orientamento Università Lavoro") for vocational internships of graduate and PhD students.
IBPM co-organizes, together with Sapienza University, cycles of research seminars attended by the broad scientific community of Rome. It disseminates results and promotes science through lectures and seminars held by its researchers at other national and international institutions
School-Work exchange programme. In collaboration with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, IBPM organizes workshops and short internships for high school students within the School-Work Exchange program ("Alternanaza Scuola-Lavoro") of the Ministry for Education, University and Research. Active programmes are currently running in several subjects of interest (e.g., infectious micro-organisms, antibiotics, neurodegeneration) and involve students in their final years of high-school,
Dissemination. Finally, IBPM addresses lay audiences in specific initiatives, e.g. workshops for school students, science roundtables, exhibitions and other outreach actions. Of note was the collaboration of IBPM scientists to the large National exhibition "DNA: Il grande libro della vita da Mendel alla genomica" (DNA: the geat book of life, from Mendel to genomics) held in Roma at Palazzo delle Esposizioni and running February to June 2017.
The wide range of training available at IBPM is a hallmark of the institute on the national stage.