Research activities
The activities of the department are divided into the following 5 areas of interdisciplinary research (projects)
- Development of advanced biotechnologies for the agrifood system.
- Biological resources and protection of the agroecosystem.
- Rural and territorial development.
- Sustainable development of the agrifood system.
- Safety, food quality and health.
In detail,
**Development of advanced biotechnologies for the agro-food system
Project manager: Aldo Ceriotti -e-mail: The project's general objectives concern the study of the basic cell functions, undertaken also trough approaches of functional and proteomic genomics and aimed at the development of biotechnologies applied to the plant and food productions and to the plant production of compounds of agro-industrial interest (plant as biofactory).
Among the research products of the 2006 attributed to the project, it is to pointed out: the deposit of 3 patents and the publication of 80 papers on international magazines (ISI).
**Biological researches and agro-ecosystem preservation
Project manager: Francesco Cannata o e-mail The project has as main objectives the metabolic and genetic characterization of the biodiversity profiles of plants, animals and microorganisms of agriculture and agro-food interest; the analysis of their role in the preservation of the productive agro-ecosystem; the development of advanced technologies for the conservation and protection of the germoplasm; the achievement of a prototype for a model of information management aimed at making available the data related to genetic resources - included the microorganisms - by connecting morpho-physiological and molecular data (germoplasm banks and DNA).
Among the research products of the 2006 attributed to the project, it is to pointed out: the deposit of 2 patents and the publication of 54 papers on international magazines (ISI).
**Rural development and territory
Project manager: Antonio Raschi o e-mail
The project's general objectives are the improvement of the knowledge and technologies aimed at formulating anticipatory systems for the management of the environmental, genetical, social, cultural and infrastructural resources available on the territory and the creation of scenarios for the evaluation of the impact of the production and quality of the agro-food system.
Among the research products of the 2006 attributed to the project, it is to pointed out: the publication of 19 papers on international magazines (ISI).
**Sustainable development of the agro-food system
Project manager: Mauro Gamboni o e-mail
The project's general objectives concern the improvement of the knowledge and the contemporaneous development of technologies for integrated and ecocompatible processes in the vegetable and zootechnical production; the achievement of new genetic material (cultivars) in the vegetable sector; the development of sustainable and innovative techniques in aquaculture and in the fishing sector; the study and the application of new biotechnologies for the sustainability of the conservation, packing and transformation processes of the agro-food products.
Among the research products of the 2006 attributed to the project, it is to pointed out: the deposit of 6 patents and the publication of 60 papers on international magazines (ISI).
**Safety, food quality and health
Project manager: Amedeo Conti Tel. 0125-564035o e-mail
The project's general objectives concern the improvement of the knowledge for the retraceability and the advanced diagnostics aimed at the analysis of the quality, typicality and the geographical origin of the agro-food products; the evaluation of the safety of use and of the early diagnosis in the agro-food chain; the acquisition of new knowledge on the overall relationship among diet and safety and the development of communication media (food consumers science); the development of the regulations related to the certification in the agro-food sector and in the food law.
Among the research products of the 2006 attributed to the project, it is to pointed out: the deposit of 7 patents and the publication of 122 papers on international magazines (ISI) have to be pointed out.