Cell Cycle Database
Institute of biomedical technologies (ITB)
Luciano Milanesi
Email: luciano.milanesi@itb.cnr.it
The Cell Cycle Database is a biological resource that collects the most relevant information related to genes and proteins involved in human and yeast cell cycle processes. The database has been developed in a systems biology context, since it also stores the cell cycle mathematical models published in the recent years, with the possibility to simulate them directly. The aim of our resource is to give an exhaustive view of the cell cycle process starting from its building-blocks, genes and proteins, toward the pathway they create, represented by the models.
Web address
Url: http://www.itb.cnr.it/cellcycle/
Access mode
Data tipology
Informazioni relative ai Geni coinvolti nel ciclo cellulare e relativi modelli matematici
Database type