The ISGI owns a very relevant library heritage consisting in:
- ISGI Library - Premises of Rome;
- ISGI-DAIC Library (Library of the ISGI Section on International and Comparative Agricultural Law) - Premises of Florence;
- Specialized Library at the Centre for Latin-American Legal Studies of University of Rome "Tor Vergata";
- OSCE Library and Documentary Archive (from 1972)
The ISGI has built and updates the following on-line databases:
- "L'Italia e l'applicazione del diritto internazionale / Italy and International Law", Survey of Italian cases and materials in international law :
- Web site on the Prassi italiana di diritto internazionale ("Italian Practice in International Law"), which collects about 2000 cases :
- ISGI-DAIC Library Catalogue :
- Database of the Centro studi giuridici latinoamericani, legislation and documentation :