Research activities
ISOF's Project lines:
PM.P03.011 - New methodologies in organic synthesis. Molecular design and innovative processes for high industrial applications
Synthetic methodologies for an eco-compatible development. Techniques with a low environmental impact: use of microwaves in presence (or absence) of catalysts (metallic complexes, ionic liquids, enzymes, ecc.).
Synthesis of active biologically compounds through elaboration/functionalization of molecules of natural origin, in particular in the field of antibiotics and anti tumoral.
Drug delivery mediate by nanoparticles.
Study of selective reactions, efficient for the creation of molecular platforms of industrial interest.
PM.P04.003 - Organic functional materials to be used in nanotechnologies, photovoltaics and nanomedicine.
Its targets are the design, synthesis and characterization multiphase/multiscale of functional materials and auto assembling bio-hybrids of various complexities, as well as the check of their properties, in particular light emission and charge transfer, in solid state (operative conditions for electronic and optoelectronic devices) and aqueous solution (operative conditions of organic based biosensors). The Spin-Off Mediteknology is part of this last activity.
PM.P06.006 - Bioorganic processes
The study of cellular functioning and damaging mechanisms that occurs with the formation of free radicals can be carried out through a multidisciplinary approach that goes from molecular structure to the knowledge of the complex biologic functioning for a double aim:
- Discovery of biomarkers, molecular level transformations able to show the level of radical activity, to act as markers for a specific damage, that cold be combined with a metabolic condition;
- Characterization of molecular and/or enzymatic strategies to control the radical activity level within the limits of its physiological functioning, contributing to the setting up of prevention and protection methods.
The Spin-Off Lipinutragen represents the importance of its applicative effect.
The results achieved from ISOF researchers involved in this field, have put them in the vanguard in the radical stress of lipidomic, proteomic and genomic International scenery . This research group in fact it is considered as reference group at a European level for the Chemical Biology with reference to free radicals. To this aim in the period 2007-2011 the researchers involved will lead a COST action whose title is: " Free Radicals in Chemical Biology", coordinating almost 40 research groups on this multidisciplinary theme.
PM.P04.010 - PM.P06.005 Molecular photoscience
The study of the processes that involve electronic excited states in molecules and materials is a field that involves different areas: from the fundamental development in the knowledge to the relevant applicative effects in the devices for light energy conversion, information, LED technology, researches on drugs etc.
a) In depth studies on photochemistry and photophysics of molecules, of supramolecular systems and materials are carried on, with particular attention to luminescence and to the processes of energy and electron transfer.
The applicative potential of these basic researches is connected to the conversion of solar energy (photovoltaic systems, artificial photosynthesis) and to the setting up of high efficiency electroluminescent devices (OLED), photovoltaic cells, sensors and photoelectrochemical cells.
b) Studies on Ligand-Receptor Systems; Protein-drug interaction studies by circular dichroism conformational modelling and photochemical techniques
PM.P02.006 - Synthetic and natural macromolecular systems
New methods for the development and characterization of polymeric materials obtained with non conventional synthesis .
Properties of polymeric solutions in organic solvents.
Chemical and structural investigations on natural and synthetic macromolecules.
The natural evolution of these researches is the Spin-Off Advanced Polymer Materials (APM) whose activity is focused on synthesis, chemical modification, advanced characterization of industrial polymeric materials and polymeric composites for structural applications and biomedical usage.
PM.P02.015 -Studies and technologies on the interactions between ionizing radiations and materials.
Ionizing Radiations have a wide application range in many different area, from materials treatment for the induction of specific properties, to the agricultural and food, from the purification of polluted waters to the setting up of dosimetric devices.
The scientific potential of the Institute is testified from the scientific productivity and from its capability to raise funds from both National and European public organizations, and from contracts with Industries.