Institute for organic syntheses and photoreactivity (ISOF)
Phone number: 051 6399773
c/o Area della Ricerca di Bologna
Via Piero Gobetti, 101 - 40129 Bologna
Phone number: 0516399933- 0516399773
Fax: 0516399844
Applying Molecular Science and Sustainable Manufacturing - The convergence of advanced sciences and technologies
The Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) is a strategic institute in the Chemical Sciences and Materials Technologies (CSMT) Department of CNR. Chemistry is the building block of nanosciences and advanced sciences and technologies convergence - ISOF plays a major role in this field. ISOF aims to develop and apply molecular science and sustainable chemical manufacturing towards the EU's energy and climate objectives, whilst also improving quality of life and local economies. The institute is focused on the target of ensuring a secure supply, and achieving efficient and sustainable management and use of non-energy consuming materials and smart technologies along the entire value chain in Europe. ISOF scientists are at the forefront of research on design and synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid materials, lipidomics and nutraceutics, fundamental photochemical and photophysical processes enabling innovative organic based optoelectronic devices for renewable energies, organic solid state lighting and bio-nano-medicine. Carbon-based nanosystems including graphene, are recognized state of the art research activities of our nanochemistry and molecular photoscience research lines. Synthesis of active biological compounds in the field of antibiotics and antitumor drugs and drug delivery - mediation by nanoparticles are recognized strategic activities of ISOF. ISOF uses natural silk as a platform for bio-optoelectronics, electrogenic cell systems interfaces and living technologies.