Consiglio scientifico
Titolo: Prof.ssa
Afferenza: Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich (TUM) - Germania
Specializzazione: Medicinal and Bioinorganic Chemistry
The research of Prof. Casini spans the areas of inorganic, bioinorganic and medicinal chemistry. The study of the role of metal ions in biological systems and of the mechanisms of action of metal-based drugs are active topics of her research program. The design of the metal compounds targeted to selected biomolecules (proteins and nucleic acids) is optimized to exploit metal-templated reactions for bioorthogonal transformations in aqueous environment, eventually enabling catalysis in living systems. Besides synthetic coordination and organometallic chemistry, the research focuses on an intensive biological evaluation of the new compounds as experimental anticancer agents, and on the investigation of their mechanisms of action at molecular level via different spectroscopic and bioanalytical methods. Furthermore, novel applications for metal compounds and supramolecular coordination complexes are explored in various domains of chemical biology, drug delivery and medicine. Professor Casini completed her PhD in Chemistry at the University of Florence (Italy) in 2004, and, afterwards, moved to EPFL (Switzerland) as senior scientist funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Between 2011-2015 she has been assistant professor at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), holding a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship. Between 2015-2019, she was also professor at Cardiff University (UK), before taking up her current position at TUM in 2019.
Titolo: Prof.
Afferenza: Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari", University of Bologna
Specializzazione: Catalysis, green chemistry and sustainable chemical technologies
Fabrizio Cavani received his Ph.D. Diploma in Industrial Chemistry in 1987. He was then hired by EniChem Sintesi, and took up employment at the Centro Catalizzatori in Sesto S. Giovanni (MI). During the period of service at EniChem he carried out research activities aimed at developing new catalysts for alkylation of aromatics with mixed liquid / gas phase processes, and for oxychlorination of ethylene with processes in the gas phase. In addition, he carried out technical assistance for the marketing of catalysts, and start-up of industrial reactors. The work carried out led to the development of a new alkylation process of benzene with propylene and ethylene, marketed by Polimeri Europa, then Versalis. He was the winner of the position of university researcher at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry of Bologna University, and he took up his duties in 1990. He was appointed Associate Professor for the disciplinary scientific sector CHIM04 (Industrial Chemistry), at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry of Bologna University in 2000, and Full Professor at the Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari" in 2014. Since 2018 he is Director of the Department of Industrial Chemistry. He is the author of over 300 scientific publications in the field of catalysis for industrial chemistry, of over 30 patents, 6 of which have reached the industrial application phase, some books in the field of oxidation catalysis and sustainable industrial chemistry. His scientific works have received over 10,000 citations. He is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the journal Green Chemistry of the RSC, and of the Editorial Board of the journal ChemSusChem, of Wiley VCH. He is president of the Interdivisional Group of Catalysis of the SCI, a member of the Board of the Division of Industrial Chemistry of the SCI, a member of the Board of EFCATS, the European Federation of Catalysis Societies.
Titolo: dr.ssa
Afferenza: ISMN - Research Executive
Specializzazione: Nanostructured materials and innovative catalysts
Leonarda Francesca Liotta: since 2020, Director of Research at the Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN)-CNR. She is co-author of more than 230 articles in peer-reviewed internal journals, 8 book chapters, 1 PCT Int. Appl. WO patent and she contributed to more the 400 International and National Conferences and informative works. H index: 48 (Scopus 2023), H index: 54 (Google Scholar, 2023)
She was Mentioned in a list of the top 2% most cited scientists in the world, published by Stanford University.
She is Member of the International Association of Catalysis Societies (IACS), member of the MC of COST Action 17136 "Indoor Air Pollution network" and of the MC of COST Action 18224 "Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes. Member of the Italian Chemical Society, in the Industrial Chemistry Group and Interdivisional Catalysis Group. She is in the Scientific board of the Italian ENERCHEM "Interdivisional Group of Chemistry for Renewable Energy" (2022-2024) and she was in the Scientific Board of the Interdivisional Catalysis Group (2015-2017) (2018-2020).
Visiting researcher at the University of Lyon, Lille, Dunkirk, Sorbonne Paris, Valencia, Sevilla, Budapest, Sofia, Tosmk State University, Magurele.
Her main interests are in the field of heterogeneous catalysis and materials science applied to Environmental Remediation (NO SCR, VOCs and soot oxidation) and Clean Energy production/storage (dry/steam reforming, CO2 methanation, SOFCs, SOECs, batteries).
Titolo: Dr.
Afferenza: ICCOM - Research Executive
Specializzazione: Materials and molecules for renewable energies
Alessandro Mordini is a Research Director at the "Institute of the Chemistry of OrganoMetallic Compounds" (ICCOM) where he is the head of the "Light-to-Energy and Fuels Laboratory" (LEaF-Lab). Alessandro got the MS degree in Chemistry from the University Florence in 1983 and Ph.D. degree in Chemical Sciences from the same University in 1987. He was then post-doctoral fellow at Lausanne University in the period 1984-85; 1988-89 and 1992. He was then appointed Researcher at CNR - Firenze in 1987, Senior Researcher at CNR-ICCOM from 1991 and became Research Director at CNR-ICCOM in 2016. In 2001 he was Visiting Professor at Kyoto University. In 2023 ha has been recipient of Premio alla Ricerca "Chimica Organica per l'ambiente, l'energia e le nanoscienze", given by the Division of Organic Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society. He is the Italian representative for CNR in the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) and has been the National Coordinator of the "Interdivisional Group of Chemistry for Renewable Energy of the Italian Chemical Society" for 3 years . He has been Chairman of about 10 International Congresses.
He is Co-author of about 130 publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals, 20 book chapters and reviews and 1 patent. He has been invited lecturer at more than 25 international conference and Universities. Referee for many international scientific journals (ACS, Wiley, Elsevier, Springer). Scientific Responsible of several national and international research programs among which bilateral projects with Hungary, Russia, France, China; the working groups "Sustainable Chemical Processes: Stereoselective Transition Metal-Catalysed Reactions (COST Action D-24)" and "Innovative Catalysis: New Processes and Selectivities (COST Action D40)". Scientific Responsible of research projects in the field of organic synthesis and innovative photovoltaic technologies, funded by different agencies (CNR, Regione Toscana, "Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze" Foundation). Main current scientific interests include: development of innovative methodologies and low environmental impact processes; new dyes for dye sensitized solar cells.
Titolo: Prof.
Afferenza: Leiden University - The Netherlands
Specializzazione: coordination chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, biomimetic catalysis, molecular materials, medicinal inorganic chemistry
Jan Reedijk studied chemistry at Leiden University from 1961-1968, where he completed his PhD. After a few years as junior lecturer at Leiden University he accepted a readership at Delft University of Technology in 1972. In 1979 he accepted a call for Professor of Chemistry at his alma mater, Leiden University. After 30 years of service, he retired from teaching in 2009, and continued as an emeritus, as research consultant and in several IUPAC activities.
In Leiden he has acted as chair of the Department of Chemistry, and in 1993 he became the founding director of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry. His major research activities have been in Coordination Chemistry and Bioinorganic Chemistry, with research focusing on biomimetic catalysis, molecular materials and medicinal inorganic chemistry. At his 65th birthday he was knighted by the Queen of the Netherlands to the order of the Dutch Lion. Jan Reedijk was elected life-time member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences , the Finnish Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea. In 2023 he received a doctorate honoris causa from the Nikolaus Copernicus University in ToruD, Poland. He has acted as organizer of several international conferences, symposia and workshops. He was Executive Secretary of the International Conferences of Coordination Chemistry (1988-2012) and served in a number of IUPAC Divisions and committees since 1978. He has served on editorial boards of several international chemistry journals. Jan Reedijk has published over 1200 papers (1965-2022), cited over 60000 times (h=96); he has supervised 90 PhD students, 100 postdocs and over 250 MSc students.