Research project

IASPP project-Innovative Approaches to Survey broadleaved tree Pests and Pathogens - GP/EFSA/ALPHA/2021/08 Lot 2 (DBA.AD001.484)

Thematic area

Biology, agriculture and food sciences

Project area

Intensificazione sostenibile delle produzioni agroalimentari e forestali (DBA.AD001)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP)

Project manager

Phone number: 00000000


Broadleaved trees are defined as trees and shrubs of the botanical group Angiospermae (opposed to
conifers trees, belonging to the Gymnospermae). Broadleaved include both deciduous trees (leafless
for a certain period during the year in connection with the unfavourable season) such as Quercus
robur, and evergreen trees (never entirely without green foliage) such as. Stone fruits, pome fruit and
citrus trees are excluded from this category as they are independent categories for the purpose of cropbased surveillance.
Specifically, in the development of methodology and tools to support the MSs in the planning and
preparation of crop based surveys using the broadleaved trees as a pilot, IPSP, if awarded a grant, shall
provide support to EFSA fulfilling the requested deliverables as pest survey cards, support the
development of the cropbased surveillance methodology, disseminate and share the crop-based survey
methodology with the MSs, test the entire pest survey toolkit for the practical implementation of pest
surveys in forests and agricultural areas with broadleaved trees.

Start date of activity



pest and pathogens, invasive forest pathogens, quarantine pests and pathogens

Last update: 20/04/2024