Research project

PRIN 2017 - PRIN201752ENYB Guglielmo De Angelis - SISMA - Solutions for Engineering Microservices Architectures (DIT.AD001.109)

Thematic area

Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation

Project area

Dispositivi e Sistemi ICT (DIT.AD001)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for system analysis and computer science "Antonio Ruberti" (IASI)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 0649937123


SISMA contibutes with solutions for the enhancement of the microservices architectural style. This style fosters the creation of software systems as suites of independent entities: microservices embed everything and can be conceived, implemented, and deployed autonomously onto containers or server-less functions. Services are "micro" because of their role in the system, not because of their size. Isolation and autonomy are key to improve the scalability and maintainability of the resulting systems. Microservices, and the interplay between applications and virtualized computing resources, pose new requirements and challenges to the software development and operation processes. SISMA addresses their architectural design and the problem of migrating existing applications towards microservice architectures, their safe and continuous deployment, and the runtime management of the different versions and instances of microservices and of the resources needed for their efficient execution. SISMA also studies the problems of designing and orchestrating suitable tests for these systems, of their field validation, and of predicting possible failures.


SISMA will address these core challenges by designing novel technical solutions that cover all the aspects related to the development, deployment, and runtime management of microservice-based applications. The main contributions refer to:
(i) Methods and tools for efficiently and semi-automatically migrating monolithic systems into microservice systems and for designing new microservice systems in a systematic way;
(ii) Approaches and technologies for generating, prioritising, and orchestrating the suites for testing microservice-based applications in operational conditions;
(iii) Techniques and tools to support continuous updates in PaaS environments while preserving consistency and dependability properties;
(iv) Fine-grained, and fast solutions for dynamically allocating computing resources;
(v) Solutions to reason on the interplay between containers and server-less functions for the deployment of microservices;
(vi) Approaches to guaranteeing the quality of microservice-based applications based on field testing and online failure prediction.

Start date of activity



Software Engineering, Software Testing, Microservices

Last update: 10/02/2025