Research project

EU Project FETFLAG H2020 CSA - SUNRISE "Solar Energy for a Circular Economy" (DCM.AD005.017)

Thematic area

Chemical sciences and materials technology

Project area

Chimica e materiali per le energie rinnovabili (DCM.AD005)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for organic syntheses and photoreactivity (ISOF)

Project manager

Phone number: 0516399770


The aim of SUNRISE is to make sustainable fuels and commodity chemicals at affordable costs of materials and Earth surface, using sunlight as the only energy source. SUNRISE will make Europe the leading hub of disruptive technologies, closing the carbon cycle and providing a solar dimension to the chemical industry, with enormous economical, societal and environmental benefits.
ISOF is leader of WP1 "Strategy and Structuring", establishing the vision and mission of SUNRISE through S&T objectives, with quantitative targets and impacts, structuring the long-term scientific and industrial roadmap of the flagship, providing the blueprint for the implementation of SUNRISE.


The SUNRISE coordination and support action (CSA) aims to establish a large-scale research cooperation across European academia and industry to enable the production of renewable chemicals and fuels on a massive scale using abundant molecules as feedstocks (e.g. H2O, CO2, N2, O2) and sunlight as the sole energy source. This will be essential to facilitating the transition from a linear to a circular economy, with huge benefits for society, the environment, the European economy, and the ongoing efforts to mitigate climate change.
The Objectives of the SUNRISE Coordination and Support Action are to: (1) develop the S&T roadmap, (2) build the community, and (3) structure the governance.

Start date of activity



Solar Fuels, Sustainable Chemistry, Circular Economy

Last update: 17/05/2024