ASTRail - SAtellite-based Signalling and Automation SysTems on Railways along with Formal Method and Moving Block validation (DIT.AD003.072)
Thematic area
Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation
Project area
Internet del futuro (DIT.AD003)Structure responsible for the research project
Institute of information science and technologies "Alessandro Faedo" (ISTI)
Project manager
Phone number: +39 050 621 2918
The ASTRail project will act to enhance the signalling and automation system by leveraging cutting-edge technologies from different sectors, such as the avionics or the automotive ones. Investigation of such technologies and assessment of their reusability in the railway field will be done taking in particular care all the issues related to safety and performance in the rail system.
The ASTRail project will:
1) Transfer the knowledge of aeronautical standard and existing integrity monitoring solutions to the application of fail-safe moving block localisation by performing an assessment of local error modelling, hazard analysis and verification activities before proposing minimum performance standards for such equipment for use in the rail domain;
2) Perform Hazard Analysis of the railway system examining safety level of Moving Block Signalling System operating without trackside detection, from technical and operational point of view, along with the hazard identification in the most significant operative conditions defined by the use cases;
3) Identify the most suitable technologies to be implemented in the railway field for performing automated driving;
4) Based on the state of the art, on the past experiences of the partners and on ad-hoc experiments, it will identify the most promising formal and semi-formal methods for the different development phases of railway equipment, and, particularly, for the signalling solutions targeted by ASTRail.
Start date of activity
Formal Methods, Moving Block Signalling System, Automated Driving, Hazard Analysis
Last update: 16/09/2024