Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB)


IPCB provides a wide range of integrated services, to optimize the technology transfer from research to industry. This is realized identifying the transfer techniques most appropriate for the regional industrial context, which are able to enhance the relationship between industry and research, assessing the consequences on the employment level through assistance and cooperation in the development of industrial projects that exploit regional and national financial instruments.
The growth of the scientific-technological culture through training processes can create new professionals and the improvement of entrepreneurial culture.
To this aim, the IPCB provides a wide range of advanced equipment properly distributed in the various laboratories.
Laboratories of Pozzuoli:
Laboratory of electron microscopy (SEM, TEM):
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) FEI Quanta 200 FEG:
- Operating modes: high vacuum (HV), low vacuum (LV), environmental (ESEM)
- Cryo-transfer system Gatan Alto 1000E
- Microtensile tester
- STEM module
- Stage Peltier
- Heating stage (up to 1000 ° C)
- Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) Oxford Inca Energy System 250 equipped with detectors INCAx-act LN2-free
- Secondary electron detector (SED) Everhardt-Thornley
- Large field detector (LFD): SED for mode LV
- Gaseous SED (gsed): SED for ESEM mode
- Solid state Detector for backscattered electron (BSED)
- Detector STEM
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit TWIN 120 kV with LaB6 source:
- Tomography holder and software Xplore3D
- FEI Eagle 4k CCD camera (bottom mounted)
- Olympus SIS MegaView G2 CCD Camera (side mounted)
- High resolution sputtering Emitech K575X
- Cryo-ultramicrotome Leica EM UC6 / FC6 and
- Trimmer Leica EM Qtr2

Laboratory of thermal analysis (DSC, TGA):
- Differential scanning calorimeter Mettler, model DSC 30, equipped with liquid nitrogen cooling system.
- Differential scanning calorimeter Mettler, model DSC 822e, equipped with autosampler and cooling system with liquid nitrogen.
- Differential scanning calorimeter TA Instruments, model Q2000, with refrigeration system RCS 90.
- Thermogravimetric analyzer TG/DTA Mettler, model TGA/SDTA851e.
- Thermogravimetric analyzer TG/DTA Perkin-Elmer, model Pyris Diamond TG/DTA.
- Thermogravimetric analyzer Perkin-Elmer, model Pyris 1.

Advanced thermal analysis laboratory:
- Differential scanning calorimeter Pyris Diamond DSC, Perkin-Elmer; Operating characteristics: differential scanning calorimeter with direct energy measurement ("H) by means of the principle of energy compensation; two independent Platinum/Iridium heating furnaces having a mass of less than 1 gram; noise below 0.1 ¼W; dynamic range from 0.2 ¼W to 800 mW; temperature range from -70 ° C to +750 ° C; Calorimetric accuracy better than +/- 0.1%; maximum speed of the heating / cooling controlled up to 500 ° C / min; temperature accuracy +/- 0.1 ° C; temperature precision better than +/- 0.01 ° C.
- Semi-Micro Analytical Balance Sartorius Competence Series Mod. CP225D-OCE.

Electrospinning laboratory:
- Electrospinning, model NF103 MECC Co., Ltd. (Fukuoka, Japan)
- Phenom desktop SEM Phenom-World (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
- Permeabilimeter MultiPerm 220V, 800W
- Permeabilimeter PermeO2 220V, 800W

NMR laboratory:
- FT - NMR Spectrometer Bruker AVANCE II 400 MHZ, equipped with a probe 4mm CP - MAS for solids:
Frequency range Channel 1: 1H-19F;
Frequency range Channel 2 (Broad Band): 31P-15N;
Rotation speed = 15,000 Hz (rotors ZrO2) (up to 18,000 Hz with High Speed rotors);
Temperature range: ca - 70 ° C + 120 ° C;
Automatic ejection of the sample (no need to extract the probe to change the sample);
High sensitivity on 13C.

Laboratory for Composites and Cultural Heritage:
- Planetary Ball Mill Retsch PM100
- Planetary Ball Mill Fritsch Pulverisette 7 premium line with jar Easy GTM (monitoring temperature and pressure)
- Bench-top platen press Dr. Collin P 200 with water circulated cooling system
- Ultrasonic processor Sonics Vibracell VCX 500
- 222 ClimaCell climatic chamber with controlled temperature and relative humidity
- Spectrophotometer UV / Visible Jasco V570
- Thermal analyzer Applied Precision Isomet 2104
- Taber abrasion tester 5135
- System for the measurement of electrical resistivity of volume and surface Keithley 6517, with a Keithley 8009 measuring chamber with
- Automatic Micromeritics ASAP 2020 physisorption analyzer
- Lyophilizer Edwards Modulyo
- Lyophilizer Christ Alpha 2-4 LSC plus

Laboratory of mechanical properties:
- Mechanical dynamometer Instron mod. 4505 (max. load 100 kN) equipped with a chamber for temperature control
- Mechanical dynamometer Instron mod. 5564 (1 maximum load kn) equipped with a chamber for temperature control
- two dynamic-mechanical analyzers (dma) mod. Pyris Dimond, Perkin Elmer
- Instrumented Charpy pendulum (maximum energy 50 J)
- Instrumented Charpy pendulum (maximum energy 25 J)
- Thermostatic and climatic chamber mod. SU 250 e
- Mixer Brabender Plastograph EC mod. 815651
- Mixer Haake Rheocord
- Ceast notch cutter for impact test samples
For sample preparation, the laboratory is equipped with: circular saw, heating plates press, dye-cutters of different sizes, two mills for sample pulverization, vacuum pump and dewars for liquid nitrogen.

Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory:
- A Fourier Transform spectrometer IR (FTIR), Perkin-Elmer mod. GX
- FTIR microscope Perkin-Elmer mod. autoimage with mobile stage for software controlled mapping
- 2 spectrometers FTIR Perkin-Elmer mod. Spectrum 100
- FT-Raman spectrometer with dual optical path for measures in the near and middle infrared, Nicolet mod. nexus 670
- Dispersive Raman spectrometer with confocal equipped with three laser sources (513, 633 and 781 nm) and computer mapping system (Raman imaging). Horiba Jobin-Ivon, mod. Labram-ARAMIS
- Cell for FTIR diffusion measurements of gas and vapors under strain in film and polymer membrane equipped with static and dynamic-mechanical dynamometer. EnduraTEC-Wintest
- Cell with temperature control from -150 °C to 250°C for measures in transmission under vacuum or in controlled atmosphere. mod. SPECAC 80100
- Microtome for the preparation of thin slices for the FTIR microscope, Reichert-Jung mod. 1150 autocut
- For sample preparation the laboratory also includes die for KBr pellets of different sizes, a mill for preparation of ultrafine powders, 3 thermostatic baths, a rotary vacuum pump and a turbomolecular pump

Laboratory of polymers processing: process and rheology
- Twin screw extruder Haake MiniLab, 220V, 2kW
- Single screw extruder Dr Collin Teachline E20T, 380V, 8kW
- Twin screw extruder DrCollin ZK25T, 380V, 10kW
- Injection molding Cronoplast Babyplast, 380V, 3kW
- Hydraulic heated Press DrCollin P400E, 380V, 18kW
- Cooling unit for Babyplast, 220V, 1kW
- Cooling unit for press P400E, 380V, 17kW
- Rheometer ThermoFisher MARS III, 220V, 660W
- Rheometer ThermoFisher RS6000, 220V, 660W
- Temperature Controller Rheonaut, 220V, 600W
- Ventilated oven Binder 7200 220V, 1500W

Laboratory synthesis and characterization of polymers:
- GPCMax Viscotek Vers. 2001
- Viscotek TDA
- Spectrofluorometer Perkin Elmer LS 55
- Malvern Zetasizer
- Centrifuge Hermle Z323
- Centrifuge Hermle Z326K
- Sonics Vibra Cell

Diffraction laboratory:
- X-ray generator PHILIPS, model PW 1730/10
- Wide angle vertical goniometer PHILIPS, model PW 3020/00 with integrated modular unit for goniometer control and data acquisition model PW 3710

Laboratory for thermal properties of composite and fabrics:
- VIRC - tool for the analysis of the thermal properties of materials and fabrics
- FLIR Systems ThermoVision A40M Researcher

Laboratory Section of Naples/Portici:
Biomaterials: characterization and design of polymers and composites for biomedical applications.
Clean Room (Tissue Engineering): Preparation and maintenance of cell cultures (3T3, PC12, HUVEC, OVCAR). Realization of 3D cell structures with synthetic and natural polymer matrices. Cytotoxicity tests of various materials.
Mechanical properties: characterization and analysis of static and dynamic mechanical properties. Static tension, compression, shear and torsion testing. Dynamic tests of creep, hysteresis, stress-relaxation and fatigue.
Cellular and Molecular Engineering: study of interaction phenomena between biomolecules, materials and cells. Determination of the physical parameters that govern the transport of macromolecules in materials and cytoplasm. Design, development, validation and prototyping of biotechnological devices for the construction of bio-hybrids.
Rheological properties: rheological characterization of polymeric materials, polymer solutions, hydrogels and polymer matrix composites in "steady state" and oscillatory regime.
Optical properties: morphological characterization of composite materials and polymers, image analysis, quantitative evaluation of the morphological characteristics of the samples.
Processing Technology: study and optimization, at a laboratory scale, of polymers and composites processing: mixing, extrusion, calendering, injection, foaming, thermoforming, injection molding, sintering of foams, filament winding, resin transfer molding, vacuum assisted RTM.
Nanostructured Materials: synthesis and characterization of metallic, semi-metallic and semiconducting clusters confined in polymer matrices. Study of the optical properties (optical emission spectroscopy and absorption in temperature, refractometry, diffuse reflectance) and electrical properties of materials.
Liquid Crystals: synthesis of monomers and polymers.
Transport Properties: measurement of the mass transport properties and thermodynamics of absorption of low molecular weight substances into polymers.
Chemical-Physical Properties: analysis of the chemical and physical properties of polymeric materials and composites, calorimetry, dynamic mechanical and spectroscopic analysis.
Packaging Systems: study and development of innovative polymeric materials for food packaging.
Smart Structures: Laboratory of Smart Structures has: homemade fiber optic systems for measurements of refractive index, temperature, and static and dynamic deformations, micro-dynamometer with thermal chamber and oven. The activity consists in the optical characterization of chemical and physical transformations of polymers, realization of structural and non structural prototypes, integrated with sensors and/or actuators.
Snom Lab is equipped with a complex system of scanning probe microscopy AFM/SNOM. Using the atomic force microscope it is possible to reconstruct a three-dimensional profile of the surface of a sample with an axial resolution of the order of 0.1 nm and a transverse resolution controlled by the curvature radius of the probe used, typically 10 nm. You can characterize samples of any kind (conductors, semiconductors and insulators) and in different work environments (typically in the air, but you can also work in immersion fluid). Using the near-field optical microscope in the emission and collection mode it is possible to obtain maps of the optical properties of any type of surface, with a resolution (less than 50 nm) that exceeds the diffraction limit of the conventional optical microscopy. Using the collection mode it is possible to characterize the distribution of the electromagnetic field in any waveguide.

Laboratory of Catania Section:
Services of Mass Spectrometry: MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, analysis of polymers by SEC-MALDI, proteolysis and identification of proteins by SDS-PAGE gels, electrospray mass spectrometry (Mariner ESI o--TOF).
Thermal analisys (DSC / TGA) and SEC / MALLS.

Laboratory of Pisa Section:
Instrumental Laboratory: physico-chemical, mechanical and morphological characterization of polymeric materials. Thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry; spectroscopic analysis (Spotlight IR Chemical Imaging); chromatographic analysis; atomic force microscope.

Chemical Laboratory: synthesis of new polymeric materials. Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer particles for biomedical use.
Cell Laboratory: Biological characterization of materials for biomedical use by in vitro cell testing. Evaluation of growth and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.

Technology transfer office: the technology transfer office is an integral part of IPCB.
Services are offered to third parties.