Research activities
ISMN research facility has high operating capacity and is
organized so as to provide with the necessary flexibility and mass
critical and research programs aimed at generating new knowledge,
both projects oriented to development and innovation. The lines
Strategic Research pursued by ISMN are:
Nanomaterials and enabling processes for sustainable manufacturing
The ISMN is recognized internationally as a center of excellence in the fields of nanomaterials and enabling processes. The Institute's expertise is focused in electronics and organic hybrid, opto-electronics, photovoltaics, mechanics, sensors and nano-medicine. The objectives of this research are:
or The development of top-down technologies, bottom-up and for the production of nanostructured hybrid systems, integrated in the nano and micro devices such as: electronic components (OFET, LED, OLETs), functional coatings (intelligent surfaces), sensors (optical, thermal, biological), devices for storing information (TAG, memristor).
or The production of thin films, functionalized surfaces and nano-structured coatings with innovate tribological properties, functional and aesthetic-decorative using low environmental impact advanced processes (wet methods, and for ablation in vacuum).
or The development of chemical-physical characterization methodologies, morphological and structural properties of nanostructured systems by technical state of the art, spectroscopic, (UV / Vis, PL, NMR, CD); microscopic (optical and scanning probe); Surface (XPS, AES, XRF, UPS, SEM-EDS, AFM) and diffraction (XRD).
Under this activity they are developed and developed:
or multifunctional materials and multitopici (Ex. for metal selective recognition);
or functional nanoparticles (metallic, magnetic, fluorescent, etc.);
or organic semiconductors, inorganic oxides and complex;
or polymers;
or sistemisupramolecolari;
or chiral (Ex. as enantioselective sensors);
or dispositivimagneto-electric hybrid multifunctional, operating as sensors, memories and logic gates;
or natural fibers for the development of intelligent fabrics;
or functional surfaces for the control of surface wettability properties (Ex. self-cleaning and functional membranes for the separation of immiscible fluids);
or functional ceramic materials (Ex. for the manufacture of avionics radar).
Photonics and organic electronics and hybrid flexible and wearable
The integration of photonic functions in electronics can lead to considerable progress in different fields of application (for example, data transmission, telecommunications, imaging and displays, sensors).
In particular, the coupling of organic optoelectronic devices with nanostructured hybrid systems opens new possibilities in the field of nanophotonics, especially in relation to the confinement processes, modulation and extraction of the light. The inherent ductility and flexibility of materials and organic and hybrid systems allows you to enlarge the spectrum of electronics applications to the development of flexible organic optoelectronic and photonic devices, conformable and wearable.
The research ISMN in this emerging field is mainly focused to realize flexible and wearable electronics and photonics through the design, modeling, fabrication and implementation of:
(I) advanced multifunctional optoelectronic devices based on organic and hybrid systems
(Ii) 2D and 3D hybrid structures for the control of photonic processes and the emission of light in optoelectronic devices.
specific activity is dedicated to the development of OLED conformable, large-area, low-cost for indoor lighting: you will use an approach that aims to make converge conventional methodologies and proven with the most innovative ones, based on the implementation of substrates, architecture, hybrid manufacturing processes of technological interest.
In addition, the research is aimed at achieving the nanoscopic light sources and highly integrated optoelectronic systems by automating and optimizing an innovative class of multifunctional devices, organic light emitting transistors (OLET). Specifically, the unique characteristics of optoelectronic OLET in terms of external quantum efficiency and charge density, combined with the ability to integrate monolithically planar photonic components in the architecture of the device ensure the development of high value-added systems for industrial applications such as display , sensors, opto-medical microfluidic devices and Lab-on-a-Chip for biodiagnostic and food security.
Materials and technologies for the Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation of Cultural Heritage
The ISMN is a reference point for many joints in which a breakdown of the field of cultural and, in particular Beni, for the application of nano-technology and nano-sciences:
- Advanced methods of chemical, physical and morphological and structural study,
- Design, synthesis and validation of innovative materials with low toxicity 'and eco-friendly
- Development of methods for the conservation
The ISMN action is realized in the use of innovative methods of investigation at the micro and nanoscopic objects of a different nature (metals, ceramics, glasses, natural or artificial stone and paper); in the identification of degradation mechanisms; in the development of innovative technologies and the design and synthesis of materials for storage, consolidation and cleaning.
The peculiarity of the artifacts (generally high-value) requires non-destructive treatments and rarely - only when needed - microinvasive. Starting from analyzing nondestructive or noninvasive, made through a focused probe instrumentation, in the latest technological developments, the data is processed in a different way in order to face various kinds of problems, which typically compete archeometry (home university, dating, artistic and technological skills, circulation of knowledge, technological advancement and trade relations in antiquity) and conservative diagnostic (definition of the conservation status for the proposition of appropriate conservation work; evaluation and validation of nanostructured materials for storage, monitoring the microclimate of museums and archaeological sites environments). One line of research is devoted to the identification of technological parameters of the process and the reconstruction of the ancient manufacturing techniques of cultural heritage.
The design of new materials and / or formulations of products for the conservation and restoration work is carried out considering the preservation of art, environment, operator health and safety at work in restoration activities targeting key . In particular are developed films and controlled release nanostructured systems of corrosion inhibitors (nanoveicolazione and smartcoatings) and nanostructured materials for cleaning, protection and consolidation of glassy surfaces, ceramics and stone eco-friendly and low toxicity, optimizing application methods and validandone performance.
nanostructured systems and bio-electronic devices for the health and quality of life.
In this line of research experience in nanotechnology ISMN it is used for the production of nanostructured materials and devices useful in the field of health and quality of life.
The numerous and consolidated ISMN skills have been developed for various projects and collaborations both nationally and internationally that have earned the ISMN as a reference point for the promotion and development of activities aimed at developing materials and devices useful for the health and quality of life.
The main research activities include the construction of magnetic nanostructured scaffolds for regenerative medicine, implantable electronic devices combined with biodegradable scaffolds to be used as a stimulus and monitoring of cellular activity, materials and bio-electronic devices based on field-effect transistor for the neurorigenerativa medicine, the study of the mechanical stress under physiological conditions in the biological systems and processes (Bologna).
They are also designed and developed bio-integrated electronic devices (sensors / biosensors) and innovative for the detection and study of metabolic interference bioactive pollutants and for monitoring and (tele) diagnostic environment and nell'agroalimentare, biosensors for determination of analytes in food and clinical and for the prevention of food fraud, based on calcium phosphate nanocomposites for the development of implants and bandages for the healing of burns and wounds. modeling studies for an understanding of the interactions surface / material interface and biological molecule (Montelibretti and Wisdom).
The ISMN also makes use of skills in the production of multi-functional nano and mesoscopic supramolecular structures of organic chromophores (porphyrins) and / or hybrid organic / inorganic as biomimetic systems and agents in photodynamic therapy, platinum coordination complexes (II) target DNA and / or with antitumor activity, of nanomaterials based on cyclodextrins for the transport of anticancer and photo-therapeutic drugs, diagnostic agents, genetic material and to produce devices that respond to stimuli for the study of cell functions. The ISMN activities also relate to the construction and physical-chemical characterization and technological-pharmaceutical nanostructured lipid and polymeric systems for the direction-drugs and genetic material, nanostructured systems for the delivery of nutraceuticals, the synthesis and exploration of the anticancer properties and structural properties of heterocyclic nitrogenous polycondensates and physico-chemical characterization of nanostructured surface for drug delivery, surfaces and interfaces of biomaterials and biomedical devices via spectroscopic and diffraction techniques (Palermo-Messina).
Materials and technologies for environmental sustainability and energy efficiency
Activities paid to the design, synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials and the development of devices for environmental catalysis, for sustainable chemistry and for the production of fuels and energy from renewable sources. These activities are aimed at the removal of pollutants, to the production of fuels from biomass and electricity through fuel cells or photovoltaic devices.
The Institute is a landmark on the national and international level in environmental catalysis for the elimination of gaseous pollutants (NOx, N2O, CH4, CO2, VOC's) and for the removal of sulfur in fossil fuels employing different types of materials (eg . oxides or supported metals, mixed oxides and zeolites with transition metal ions). The research activity is the development of new catalysts and the study of the structure-reactivity correlations to improve their efficiency. The Institute is also involved in the development of catalysts for low temperature oxidations and for the regioselective synthesis of organic molecules, the production of biodiesel by transesterification reactions, obtaining of chemicals and fuels from the reduction of platform molecules of natural origin, dihydrogen production of biogas by dry reforming and partial oxidation of methane and the production of hydrogen by thermochemical cycles. Furthermore, mixed oxides with perovskite-type structure are designed for use in fuel cells (FC-SOFC) and Zn-air batteries, and composite membranes with functionalized aromatic molecules are developed for PEM fuel cells for portable devices.
The ISMN has also developed extensive experience in organic photovoltaics and hybrid representing the new generation of technologies for the production of solar energy. Flexibility, low weight and low cost are the main benefits of these technologies useful for the development of portable systems and architecturally integrated.
Current challenges are focused on improving efficiency, increasing the average life of the devices and lower production costs, taking into account environmental impact. For this purpose, the research is focused mainly on the use of nanomaterials and nanotechnology in organic photovoltaic devices, dye solar cells with liquid electrolyte and solid state, and based solar cells of hybrid perovskites. Particular attention was paid to the development of synthesis and deposition procedures that allow an accurate control of the morphological and structural properties, combining basic research to understand the mechanisms that govern the properties of these materials and applied research by developing methods of depositing large area.
Magnetic Hybrid Nanostructured Materials and Systems
The research activity is devoted to the study of materials, interfaces and nano devices ibridimagnetici strutturatiper applications in the field of electronic micro-nano (ICT), for the sensors aimed at bio-medical and environmental diagnostics, for tissue regeneration and other innovative applications in nanomedicine.
In the ICT field, the activities are focused in the development and optimization of hybrid spintronic devices for future electronics: memories and logic-gatemagnetici, multifunctional memristor low energy (beyond CMOS and beyondsilicon).
The research includes:
-Development Of technical complessedi manufacture of nano-materials, organic and inorganic hybrid (CSA Channel SparkAblation, deposition in UHV thermal and electron beam, synthesis of hybrid interfaces organic / inorganic, wettechniques, nano lithography, nano oxidation)
Advanced materials and hybrid interfaces -Caratterizzazioni (Raman, scanning probe microscopy: AFM-CFM-MFM-SEM-TEM, XPSXAS-Xmcd at synchrotron light sources, MOKE, Magnetometry, time-resolved PL)
experimental and theoretical -Studies injection and transport of spin and charge (4 probes AC / DC, time-resolved EL)
The development strategies also include the integration of devices on flexible and wearable media.
Magnetic materials and hybrid devices are constituent elements of the magnetic systems lab-on-a-chip for medicaultrasensibile diagnostics. Applications range from bio-early diagnosis of various bio-markers to monitor environmental contamination.
The application of nanostructured magnetic materials in nanomedicine include:
-Fabbricazione And the engineering of magnetic scaffolds for tissue regeneration (Scaffold hydroxyapatite, silk, gelatin and coral impregnated with ferrofluids),
-Magnetizzazione And magnetic manipulation of cells of different type (thanks to the use of a biomanipolatore developed in our laboratories with fields up to 0.15T),
-the Development of innovative technologies for 3D mobile printingmagnetico.
magnetic nanoparticles are synthesized and studied for drug delivery and cancer therapies.