Institute of science and technology for ceramics (ISSMC)


ISTEC is involved in initiatives of higher education, collaboration and support for training at all levels.
ISTEC plays, also through its scholarship and research programs, education activities in PhD courses, advanced training postgraduate, continuing education and higher education training.

Since 2001 ISTEC hosts the laboratories of the course "Chemistry and Technology for the Environment and Materials - Curriculum: Traditional and Innovative Materials" of the School of Sciences, (named "Chemistry of Materials and ceramic technologies" until 2009), Faculty of Industrial Chemistry - University of Bologna and, based on this opportunity, has close relationships with teachers and students for joint collaboration on research themes of common interest. Some researchers and technicians of ISTEC are requested to support the teaching activity with theoretical-experimental contributions in ISTEC Labs: in particular Rheology, Thermal Analysis, Mechanical Properties, Electronic Microscopy, Cyclic Voltammetry.

Activities of Teaching and Coordination 'MODULE 2: Processes and applications of ceramic materials (15h)' belonging to 'Course C8 - Processes and applications of polymeric materials and ceramic' of the PhD In Chemistry of University of Bologna.

Since 2013 "CNR-ISTEC is partner of the University of Parma (Italy) for the PhD School on Science and Technology of Materials (STM). The STM PhD School aims to provide to graduates in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering the skills needed to carry out highly qualified scientific and professional research in the field of Materials Science at Universities and public or private agencies. The PhD School exploits the skills available in UniPr and CNR in order to provide a highly interdisciplinary training and background on:
1. the knowledge of the processes of synthesis and/or growth of materials and the relationships between the structure and the physical-chemical properties of the materials;
2. developing the ability to model and design new materials;
3. the acquisition of control of process technologies and the knowledge of the basic techniques of diagnosis and analysis.
This knowledge may be intended for the study, development and application of innovative materials in a wide range of disciplines."
One researcher, representative of ISTEC, is part of the teaching Board the STM PhD. Currently ISTEC supports 3 students that attend this School and carry out the thesis at ISTEC.

ISTEC has signed several agreements with university departments located throughout the country also with foreign Universities and Institutions, which favour:
- the associating of University professors (at themoment 20 Professors joun ISTEC for mutual collaboration and tutoring of students
- welcomes students of different levels (about 10/year)
- hosts doctoral theses: curently PhD students are 18.
- several post-doc positins are frequently open
- hosts visitors for some months stages (about 10 /year)

The staff of ISTEC routinely collaborates with Universities and other organizations conducting educational lectures on specialized subjects of its competence with Postgraduate training courses.

ISTEC offers the possibility to companies, who wish to carry their staff, specific training courses and training workshops, specially formulated for the special educational and organizational needs.

ISTEC promotes the dissemination of knowledge in society through the organization of conferences, participation in fairs and publications.