Institute of science and technology for ceramics (ISSMC)


The technological innovation is the driving force capable of directing the business to new processes and products. Research is the base of any innovative process, but the ways that lead to perceive by intuitions, discover and then apply - the technology transfer mechanism - are rarely reproducible. Tools such as:

joint projects, contracts and services to companies
access to financing
technological transfer day, meetings and exhibitions
training and teaching of industrial personnel

that accompany the technological innovation to the highest number of possible end-users, are for ISTEC a must.

ISTEC has carried out the procedure to become a certified laboratory according to the Institutional Accreditation of industrial research laboratories in Emilia Romagna Region. On these basis, the activities related to contracts and services to industries are organized and carried out within the organization and procedures established by the quality system.
Due to the Accreditation, ISTEC entered in the High Technology Network of Emilia Romagna Region and participates in several Projects financed in the frame of the innovation programme, based on the Tecnopoles, addressed to the productive sectors of this region.

ISTEC works on a contractual basis together with companies involved in manufacturing or industrial innovation through the application of ceramic materials.
In the case that companies' requests refer to specific requirements of analysis and characterizations of materials and products, ISTEC responds to their needs on the basis of a tariff list prepared for the purpose.

ISTEC is involved in initiatives of higher education, collaboration and support for training at all levels, including courses specifically designed on the basis of the needs of companies.
ISTEC offers the possibility to companies, who wish to train their staff, specific courses, training workshops, and experience in laboratory for the equipments and technologies requested by the specific needs of the companies: training and teaching activities are formulated for the special educational and organizational issues.
ISTEC promotes services to companies related to the dissemination of knowledge through the organization of meetings (offer/request of innovation) between research and enterprises, through participation in fairs and by means of publication in professional journals or web sites.