Research institute for geo-hydrological protection (IRPI)


We provide consulting services in the context of natural hazards (geological, geomorphological, hydrological, hydraulic risks), for the monitoring and characterization of soils and rocks, for soil conservation, for land planning and watershed management, for civil protection and for adaptation to climate and environmental changes. Our products & services consist of in situ and remote geo-monitoring (from the ground, by air, by satellite), hydro-meteorological and groundwater monitoring, the recognition and mapping of landslides and flooded areas, the design of operational landslide and flood forecasting systems, flood and landslide hazards and risk assessments, the evaluation of the availability and quality of water and of renewable geo-resources, the definition of mitigation and adaptation strategies, and training and dissemination services on natural hazards.

We are a Centre of Competence of the Italian National Department of Civil Protection, an office of the Prime Minister. The competence of the Institute is on geo-hydrological risks, and in particular on landslides and floods. For the Italian National Department of Civil Protection We execute applied research and provides consulting services before, during and in the aftermath of natural disasters. We have (i) helped to identify areas for the construction of settlements in areas affected by the 1997 earthquakes in the Umbria-Marche Apennines, and by the 2009 Abruzzo earthquakes, (ii) determined the residual risk in areas affected by hydro-meteorological extreme events (for example, in Sicily and in the Marche regions), and has (iii) executed the topographic monitoring of large landslides, including the Montaguto (AV), Rotolon (VI), Montescaglioso (MT) an La Saxe (VA) landslides. The techniques and instruments used to monitor the landslides were used to monitor the Costa Concordia ship wrecked at Isola del Giglio (GR). For the Italian National Department of Civil Protection, We developed and we operate SANF; a prototype warning system for the operational forecasting of rainfall-induced landslides in Italy.

We collaborate to undergraduate and post-graduate education on natural, environmental and human-made hazards and risks, their prediction and mitigation, on soil conservation and land use planning, and on civil protection. The Institute carries out dissemination activities by working with schools, and informing the general public on the risks posed by landslides and floods to the population of Italy []. We participates in the campaign "Io non rischio" promoted by the Italian National Department of Civil Protection.