At IPCF, the research activity is intrinsically inter-disciplinary and focused on Chemical and Physical topics, as soft matter, disordered systems, interfaces, composites and nano-structured materials, supra-molecular architecture and biophysics, complex fluids and colloids. Main interests concern with the investigation of phenomena as self-organization, surface interactions, relaxation and transport properties, from nano- to mesoscale. IPCF is involved in the design and manufacturing of tailored materials, on theoretical models, on computational and analytical techniques and in the development of new devices and experimental methodologies. Some of the activities are highly relevant for the society (energy, environment, health): development of dye sensitized solar cells, pollutant sensors and techniques for environmental clean-up, development of technologies for industry and nanomedicine. The Institute is active, also as the coordinator, in many National and International (including EU) projects. IPCF is involved in the design and construction of beam lines at neutron Large Scale facilities, including the European Spallation Source and the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. At IPCF we are also deeply involved in the technological transfer of the obtained results.