Institute of neuroscience (IN)


The CNR Neuroscience Institute collaborates with several Research Institutes both public or private, both in Italy or abroad. In the framework of these collaborations the Institute implements top-level technologies in the following sectors:

Morphological analyses of cells and tissues using state-of-the-art technologies in optical and electron microscopy
o analysis of electrical properties in excitable cells and tissues
Studies on drug receptors using functional or binding techniques
o pharmacological studies using both in vitro cell cultures or animal models
o studies on gene expression
o pharmacogenetic studies
Studies on drugs and substances acting on secretion, cell polarity and the intracellular traffic of membranes and proteins.
o proteomic analysis of cell membranes
o genomic and/or proteomic studies in bioinformatic Databanks
o quantitation of 3D vascular networks in physio-pathological conditions
Scientific and administrative organisation of courses, seminars and meetings