IMAA has constantly supported the Public Administration with professional services based on the best-available environmental technologies.
IMAA is Center of Competence of Italian Department of Civil Protection (D.M. n. 252/06) and it was involved in many crisis management activities (eg. Eyjafjallajökull eruption, Emilia-Romagna earthquake, hydrogeological extreme events and fires emergencies).
IMAA supported the Ministry of Defence (INTEGRO project) and the World Food Program of United Nations to develop activities for geospatial data management and sharing.
IMAA supported the participation of Basilicata Region within NEREUS (Network of European Regions Unising Space Technologies).
IMAA was involved in the start-up of the research activities within the Val d'Agri Environmental Observatory and provided technical-scientific support to the Basilicata Regional Council Committee on the FENICE waste-to-energy incinerator. It is worth mentioning the completion of the geochemical survey in contaminated sites of national interest, the study of environmental pollution by asbestos as well as the pollution of soils and areas of great naturalistic value (the Pollino National park), the testing of satellite techniques for forest fire risk mitigation (in collaboration with Civil Protection Regional Offices), the electromagnetic monitoring of the roads in areas at a high hydrogeological risk (in collaboration with the Province of Potenza) and geophysical investigations for Public Authorities.