Within the research efforts developed by the Institute, training of students is considered as a particularly important activity. The major aim being the training focused on Material Science of high level young scientists for contributing to the formation of the future generation of researchers and of experts in competitive technologies, appealing for being employed in industries.
In particular IMEM supports the development of the Parma University Courses in "Material Science" and "Solid State Physics" to which contributes with eight courses leaded by its senior researchers. More recently, has co-founded the doctorate course in Science and Technology of Innovative Materials, whose teachers, eight out of twenty, are researches or associates of the Institute.
Similarly, IMEM researchers and associates of the Genova Operative Unite actively cooperate with the Physics and Chemistry Departments of the University of Genova, helding typically 10 courses/year for the degrees in Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Engineering and SSIS.
Moreover, IMEM guests every year several students for bachelor, master, and PhD theses.
Finally, IMEM researchers organize and support National and International Schools related to material science such as the School on Superconducting Materials and Applications, the School on Superconductors and Functional Oxides Advanced, the School on Hybrid Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Applications, the Nato Advanced Study Institute school on Magnetic Nanostructures for MEMS and Spintronic Applications, the Master in Material Science - Materials for Micro and Nano Technologies organized by IUSS, the Summer School of the International Master SERT-CHERM.