
Phone number: +390521269225
Curriculum Vitae
Andrea Zappettini
Graduated in Physics, University of Parma, 1992.
Mastered in Science and Technology of Materials, University of Parma, 1996.
Since January 2019: Director of IMEM-CNR
Since January 2007: Senior researcher at IMEM-CNR (Parma).
Since January 2005: Head of the SIGNAL group at IMEM.
Since December 2001: Researcher at IMEM-CNR (Parma).
1996-2001: Head of Photonic Materials Lab at CoreCom, Pirelli Group, (Milan).
1994-1996: Researcher at Venezia Tecnologie, ENI Group.
CdZnTe crystals for x- and gamma- ray detector applications. Metal oxide nanostructures for sensing applications. OECT integrated into textile and into plants.
AUTHOR of 12 international patents, 5 Italian patents, and over 210 papers on international journals; h-index: 27, cited more than 2400 times (source: Scopus).
Since 2008: Member of the Board of Directors at the PhD School in Material Science, University of Parma.
2008-2013: Lecturer of the course "Fundamentals of crystal growth technology", Master degree in Matter Physics and Material Science, University of Parma.
2005-2010: Lecturer at the Master in Material Science, University of Pavia.
Since 2018: Coordinator of the European Network on Crystal Growth
Since 2014: Chair of the Crystal Growth Section of the Italian Crystallography Association (AIC).
Since 2011: Ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of International Organization for Crystal Growth (IOCG).
Since 2011: Chair of the Commission for Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCR).
Since 2008: member of the Commission for Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCR).
Since 2008: member of the Crystal Growth Commission of the Italian Crystallography Association.
Chair of the Second European School on Crystal Growth, 2018
Chair of the Fifth European Conference on Crystal Growth, Bologna 2015
Chair of the Italian Conference on Crystal Growth, Parma 2013
Chair of the Italian Conference on Crystal Growth, Parma 2010
Scientific Committee Member of IEEE-RTSD since 2007.
Session Chair at many International Conferences.