Applied Bayesian Statistics summer school (ABS)
The Applied Bayesian Statistics summer school is organized every year by IMATI CNR and by the Departiment of Statistics, Università Cattolica, Milano. The course is addressed mainly to postgraduate and postdoc students.
The school aims to present state-of-the-art Bayesian applications, inviting leading experts in their field. Besides lectures, laboratory classes with appropriate computing resources also take place, creating a lively and stimulating intellectual environment. Each year a different topic is chosen. Past editions were devoted to Gene Expression Genomics, Decision Modelling in Health Care, Spatial Data in Environmental and Health Sciences, Bayesian Methods and Econometrics, Bayesian Decision Problems in Biostatistics and Clinical Trials, Bayesian Methodology for Clustering, Classification and Categorical Data Analysis, Bayesian Machine Learning with Biomedical Applications, Hierarchical Modeling for Environmental Processes, Stochastic Modelling for Systems Biology, Bayesian Methods for Variable Selection with Applications to High-Dimensional Data, Applied Bayesian Nonparametrics, Modern Bayesian Methods and Computing for the Social Sciences.