Institute for the european intellectual lexicon and history of ideas (ILIESI)

Research activities

The researchers of Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee investigate in the following thematic areas:
- philosophical and scientific tradition in the ancient and late ancient world and its transmission through the cultures of the Latin and Arab Middle Ages
- medieval philosophical culture
- European philosophical and scientific culture from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
- cultural terminology and translations
- cultural migrations
- textual analysis, editions and concordances
- application of digital humanities instruments and metodologie to cultural terminology.

IC.P01.004-Storia del pensiero filosofico-scientifico e della terminologia di cultura nelle civiltà del mondo antico e tardo antico (responsible Francesca Alesse). The commission is dedicated to the history of ancient philosophy, with special attention to impact of Hellenistic philosophy in the great scholastic corpora that enable their transmission to the Latin-Roman and Greek-Byzantine cultures. Noteworthy the achievement in 2011 of two volumes of the "Elenchos" series ("L'Anonimo di Giamblico" and "Studi sui Problemata Physica di Aristotele") as well as of the year 2011 of the journal "Elenchos".

IC.P01.008-Interactive Edition and Interpretation of Various Works by Stoic and Epicurean Philosophers Surviving at Herculaneum - PHerc (responsible Graziano Ranocchia). Funded by an ERC Starting Grant, the commission is working on the critical edition of unedited philosophical texts by Greek and Roman authors, which are conserved in Greek-Herculeans and Greek-Egyptians papyri.

IC.P01.009-Storia delle idee e della terminologia di cultura dal Medioevo all'età moderna (responsible Eugenio Canone). The commission continues the institute's founding project "Lessico Intellettuale Europeo", which was launched in 1964. During the last year, the commission has brought about the publication of three digital archives: "Archivio Tommaso Campanella" (Eugenio Canone and Germana Ernst), "Archivio di Testi per la Storia dello Spinozismo" (Pina Totaro), and "Archivio Lessici Filosofici dell'Età Moderna" (Eugenio Canone). Twelve new monographs have been added to the "Lessico Intellettuale Europeo" series. The module "Osservatorio testi filosofici per l'UNESCO" has started; and the first volume edited by the institute, Giordano Bruno's "Cena de le Ceneri" shall appear in October 2012 in the "World Digital Library" in cooperation with the Biblioteca dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana.

IC.P01.010-Repositorio di fonti filosofiche e scientifiche (responsible Marco Veneziani). The commission studies e-book prototypes and maintains the current digital archives and platforms. It has launched the opera omnia of Giovanbattista Vico in the Laterza edition using a format that makes searches from images to texts.

IC.P01.011-Daphnet (responsible Roberto Palaia). The commission is funded by two European projects. A first module maintains and develops the "Daphnet Digital Library" (in OJS environment), which presents texts and literature on the basis of the ILIESI's own series. The second module, "Agar", has launched the new online journal "Lexicon Philosopicum: International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas", with a dedicated Web-site in OJS environment (

IC.P02.006-Osservatorio neologico della lingua italiana (responsible Giovanni Adamo). The commission continues authoritatively its mission of inventoring, studying, and classifying lexical innovation on dayly newspapers with national diffusion. Its digital archive provides a unique infrastructure for research on Italian neologisms.

IC.P10.008-Migrazioni: trasmissione di saperi e dialoghi interculturali (responsible Maria Eugenia Cadeddu). The commission considers migration studies as transfers of data and experiences, in the perspective of cultural history.