Institute for system analysis and computer science "Antonio Ruberti" (IASI)
The expertise of the researchers of the Institute covers the following fields:
- Optimization, modeling and algorithms for bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BIOSYS)
- Biological networks
- Genomics and protein structures
- Software and knowledge-based systems (SaKS)
- Databases
- Information systems
- Knowledge bases
- Logic, semantics and programming
- Software engineering
- Mathematical modeling in pathophysiology (FISIOMAT)
- Metabolism in critical illness
- Energy metabolism and artificial pancreas
- Cell replication and epidemics
- Optimization, discrete mathematics and applications (OPTIMA)
- Combinatorial optimization and discrete mathematics
- Mixed-integer programming
- Continuous optimization
- Modeling, control and identification of complex systems (MCISCO)
- Deterministic and stochastic dynamic systems and control theory
- Systems identification and filtering
- Signal, speech, and image processing