
Improvement of species and production in agri-food, forestry and industry by biotechnological and genetic tools

This research focuses on:

-the investigation of molecular, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms underlying plant fitness and the quality of their products;
-transfer of basic knowledge from model species to species of natural and agricultural interest though translational approaches;
-translate into practice the basic knowledge obtained from both biological studies and PGR assessment through biotechnological or "precision" breeding activities.

Combining "omics" and bioinformatics platforms and analyzing the structure and function of specific genes, studies are carried out on complex processes and their relevance for ensuring quality and stability of production yield, such as development and reproduction, responses to endogenous / exogenous and biotic / abiotic stimuli. All the available methodologies are used for the creation of new variability and the selection of superior genotypes. As for methods of selection, activities focus in particular on the individuation and set-up of new technologies and methodologies allowing a faster and simpler selection process of improved genotypes, as well as on the application of methodologies aimed at extending the partecipation of farmers, agri-food industries and consumers.
