
The Laboratory of Cognitive Systems

The Cognitive Systems Lab is aimed at studying and realizing cognitive systems of new generation, able to learn, reason, and pervasively engage with humans in a natural, personalized, reactive and/or proactive way.
Theoretical, experimental, and applied research activities will be aimed at designing and implementing cognitive systems able to:
i) engage individually or collectively with humans by combining advanced visualization techniques with adaptive and proactive multi-modal mechanisms based upon natural language and spatial interaction;
ii) simulate sophisticated models of human-like reasoning in a dynamic manner through the analysis of vast amounts of heterogeneous data in order to extend and enhance skills and cognitive abilities;
iii) sense and analyze the surrounding environment, personalizing the system's response on the basis of the behavior of users;
iv) adapt autonomously their own global behavior, in response to external dynamics, when it is different from the attended one or better performance can be obtained.

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